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Chastanet Touts Economic Activity His Former Government Brought To Vieux Fort

Opposition leader Allen Chastanet declared Saturday that when he was Prime Minister, the United Workers Party (UWP) brought unprecedented economic activity to Vieux Fort.

“During my tenure as Prime Minister, the UWP brought more economic activity to Vieux Fort than ever before,” Chaastanet wrote on Facebook.

“300+ Jobs at OJO Labs, 800+ Jobs at ItelBPO, 100+ Jobs at the DSH Horseracing Track,” he noted.

In addition, the UWP leader said his former administration commenced the Vieux Fort Water Supply Improvement project, which created another 100+ jobs.

He also mentioned the new St Jude Hospital project, which employed over 150+ persons, and the new Hewanorra International Airport, which had 100+ persons employed and would have created over 500 new jobs upon completion ‘just to name a few.’

In contrast, the former Prime Minister said typical style, ruling Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) politicians blame everyone but themselves for the lack of development and progress in their respective constituencies.

Chastanet recalled that Dr. Kenny Anthony had served the constituency of Vieux Fort South for over 25 years.

“During this time, he served as Prime Minister and Minister for Finance for 15 years. Why didn’t he do all the projects that he keeps talking about during this time? ” Chastanet stated.


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  1. I am not a Chastanet fan but will admit that what he says is true. Kenny Anthony, with all his so called qualifications, did nothing for Vieux Fort after 25 years as the so-called rep. The town actually got worse under his stewardship. The malaway government made the town poorer and the people more dependent. What a shame. Vieux Fort has no economic activity to talk about, no wonder the youths have taken on the job of killing each other. The roads are at their worst – just drive along the St. Jude Highway, Cedar Heights community and Augier and you will understand the plight of the people who live in those communities. Are they not entitled to drive on good roads too. Invest Saint Lucia has so far refused to fix those roads in the south the are still under its control and Kenny has done nothing to hold them accountable. The Labour government has stopped work at the hospital and the airport, taking food from hundreds of persons in the south. So Chastanet is absolutely correct in calling them out on their failure to bring economic activity to the South. They are the party with the degrees but brainless.

  2. @Lucian man shut your mouth if you don’t live here. ……”the plight of the people” when Kenny was paving all the concrete roads thru Cedar Heights who immediately stopped it when they came to power AND DID NOTHING FOR 5yrs as a matter of fact His Most Honorable KDA wrote an open letter asking the UWP to commence on finishing the road work, he was ridiculed right here in this very forum for doing so, not to mention the administration building that was been built and the 30 million they sat on and never finish St Jude’s. A horse track that never made ONE CENT to date for the state much less VF, V-FORTIANS would NEVER benefit from that when every dollar VF makes 60 cents goes to funding the cosmopolitan lifestyle of the North they should round this Foreigner and his Yellow Posse put them in a chain gang march them over there to deforest the place. The same thing for the water they building up the reservoir to supply the need of the North. Giving away prime water front for $USD 1.00 for 99yrs with ZERO PERCENT VAT COLLECTED from Entities owned by DHS it’s written in plain Black & White for the world to see it’s not a lie. It also stated THEY ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO HIRE LOCALS. Theo King and members of his family are exempt from VAT. The multi million meat processing plant that would have employed where is it ? Man like I have stated you know who to talk to and fool with your crap…. And everyone get off VF ass those outsiders who constantly complains.

  3. @Lucian no need to add anything to your comments the failure for Vieux Fort to accomplished any economic developments is totally the fault of Kenny and all the uneducated people who keeps on voting to keep him in power.

  4. @HN St Lucia cannot survive without VF or exist without VF hands down, so when you Clowns talking about VF needs and failures then you are adhering to failures and needs of all of St Lucia. It’s not that VF has failed it’s the inequitable disbursement of funding VF receives in terms of infrastructure growth and development due to the delusional political mindset that they don’t need it. There is a strong middle class in VF I don’t know why Allan Chastanet and others painting the place as the Gaza of St Lucia, there are Gaza’s up North and there zinc fences in Micoud North also. Yes development is good and needed but not at the cost of Allan Chastanet failed trickle down economics policies.

  5. P-1036 you are indeed a hack. The only road in Cedar Heights that was repaired in concrete is the one near your home. But every other road in that neighborhood is in it’s worst condition ever. So I will say what you don’t want to hear – KDA is a failure.

  6. Even if what Chastanet said is true, I will never beli him because the amount of lies he is saying is unbelievable. 800 deportees from the US while there was only 8 and so many others. How can I ever believe this man?

  7. Fact # 1. Anthony has been parliamentary representative for Vieux Fort since 1997. That’s 26 years. For 14 of these years he was Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. He had the power to move $$$ to Vieux Fort to development the place. So let’s give Anthony his jacket of shame for the state that Vieux-fort finds itself where people still go to the kakabeff to kaka. Fact # 2, some jobs were created by Chastanet at Ojo labs etc. Fact # 3 DSH was a disaster from day 1 and the country is still paying the price. An abbatoir costing over $5 million US$ was demolished because it threatened the health of horses. Imagine that! The new airport should have completed by now but Chastanet decided he didn’t like the PPP system the last government had put in place to finance the project. Same thing with St. Jude. He could have fixed what was there but he decided to demolish some of it and build a box. That’s the facts as I see it. These people playing with tax payers money and we still cyan see it. As far as we concerned if it’s my government we OK with it. So take what you all get

  8. Mr. Chasnet, you need to take it slow now, breath. Are you still batting for VF ??? “Poor man . You almost forgotten about Castries and gros islet for the sake of VF and you still south ??? . Whatever you had in the pipe line for them …. Take it up north . Hospital, airport, port … highway 🛣 and so on and so on .com up , com up, make us beautiful again . Keep it flowing our way . # 1 spot $$$$ 💪

  9. @ Lucian your case and point my street is in need of new pavement what Rep KDA started stopped short of my home when you clowns stole power. What with ‘you yellow clowns compulsive obsession with VF and it’s people ? Everyone want to ” liberate us”. Most Honorable KDA stay alive continue been thorn in their ass

  10. @The Most Honorable Lucian Highgrade just to let you know it’s not because you do not agree with certain comments that you should assume we are all yellow clowns… maybe it’s only because we are beginning to see the true colors of the Red Morons voila

  11. I am no fan of Allen Chastanet, however, there is some truth to his criticism of Dr. Kenny Anthony concerning Vieux Fort. There is a time to put the country first and be clear-eyed about the political reality. Chastanet for once is correct. Dr. Anthony could have done much more for Vieux Fort as prime minister. Listening to Dr. Anthony today gives the impression that he just landed on planet Earth trying to correct all its deficiencies. Where was Dr. Anthony when he was the prime minister of St. Lucia? The Anthony of today is: bold, resolute, articulate, professorial, charming, and razor-sharp.

    The problem with Dr. Anthony during his leadership of the SLP and the government was that he was too timid in executing his duties especially the economic aspect of government. He was paranoid about the term ‘deficit spending’. The fear of deficits can lead policymakers to make dumb mistakes. And that was evident during the reign of Dr. Anthony’s administration.

    Mr. Allen Chastanet for all practical purposes is an opportunistic charlatan and a provocateur and, as a result, should be removed from the corridors of power. He has a reckless disregard for the truth and cannot be trusted.

  12. All the problems down south came about as a result of poor representation, which can only be blame on the district rep whom has been voted in & supported by the southerners for over 25 years. Worse yet he was the country’s Prime Minister for 15 years without paying attention to the development of View Fort & it’s environs.

    Suffice to say as a constitutional lawyer it is widely alleged that he encouraged the thriving drug trade which some folks depended upon as the south relies mostly on fishing for their livelihood, he cleverly tolerated this illegal trading by endorsing representation of drug lords & their families via his law firm.

    The 5 years best years that V/Fort enjoyed any means of legal prosperity & low period of gun violence was between 2016-2021 when the then ruling UWP through the vision of PM Allan Chastanet started to embark on getting young deprived employed via IT services, DSH investment groundwork, the cleverly negotiated Tourist Cruise Ship Southern Port & the massive redevelopment of The much needed Hewanorra International Airport. Which are all sadly ignored by the lack of knowledge present administration.

    What V/Fort and the southern region on the whole needs is good representation to take them into prosperity. This can only be achieved by the people waking up to realized that they have been fooled & taken for granted for too long by a self serving constitutional world boss whose now has tagged alongside what he once described as an undesirable drug baron trying to infiltrate his political arena.

    St.Lucians & the south beware, as the worse is yet to come.!!

  13. @Stanley Leonaire i am really surprised @The Most Honorable Lucian Highgrade didn’t start calling you a yellow clown I guess he knows it’s the truth….

  14. As a southerner, who grew up in Laborie, went to school in Vieux Fort and currently lives there, I wish to take a slight twist from the argument. Kenny has by all means been an absolute failure to Vieux Fort. Lucian whichever grade speaks about concrete roads, correction concrete road built on the day before elections by his nephew. Chastenet is correct in the number of jobs that were made available in Vieux Fort but like Kenny the lazy people of Vieux Fort never took advantage of these thousand jobs. All the workers or 95% of the workers in these call centers are from outside of Vieux Fort. In my neighborhood there are no less than twelve young women from Castries renting apartments because they work at one of the call centers. I had three of them renting from me until OJO labs had them working from home during and after covid. As much as I think Kenny failed Vieux Fort, I think the lazy, dependable, worthless young people who continue to vote him election after election have failed themselves just the same.

  15. LOL @ those who even surprise at what is happening in Vfort today. In 97 I voted for this KDA guy and these SLP guys. Guess what in less than a week i lost all my hope and saw through these guys. The man immediately raised minister’s salaries and asked all PS to resigns. Clearly all they cared about was themselves and remaining in power. Their tactics is to keep u poor, backwards so u can come asking them for handouts. No real vision. I stopped backing parties from back then, but atleast Chas has a vision for Vfort. Ask PJP and KDA what’s their vision, After 20+ years what is their legacy.

  16. @el Bulla the town of VF needs to be painted Red to drive home the message to you degenerates this is what it is and will be even after Kenny. Allan Chastanet and his mother Theresa theatrics two weeks ago has only harden out stance against those wolves in sheeps clothing who are obsessed in liberating us…..oh my we are in bondage only The Great White Hope can save us, bring us more call centers with salaries less than what they pay at KFC oh my we are so deserving, we are so worthy, liberate us, liberate us, O Great White Hope we are dire need your services.


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