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Guy Joseph Proclaims His Integrity, Declares The SLP Cannot Finger Him For Corruption

Former Economic Development Minister Guy Joseph, the frequent target of allegations of wrongdoing while in office, on Monday night declared his innocence before a crowd of opposition United Workers Party (UWP) supporters.

The occasion was a UWP public meeting in Joseph’s Forestiere, Castries, home community.

The former Castries South East MP told the audience that the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) has been attacking him.

“But if there is one thing Guy Joseph knows, the labour party can never find anything corrupt on Guy Joseph,” the former Minister asserted.

“I stand proud as a son of the soil of Forestiere and a man with the greatest level of integrity in the politics of Saint Lucia,” Joseph stated.

He said it was amazing that some UWP supporters believed the nonsense they heard about him and other UWP people.

Joseph said no bank had ever called him threatening to close his account because they did not know the source of the money.

In addition, he disclosed that he had his United States visa renewed after the July 26, 2021, general elections.

The electorate voted the UWP out of office, and Joseph failed to retain his Castries South East seat.

The former Minister told the crowd that a Trinidad and Tobago contractor messaged him the day after the elections, asserting that the SLP was waiting to see him (Joseph) brought to his knees.

Joseph said he had the message on his telephone.

However, he observed that he would not have been on the UWP political platform addressing Monday night’s event if the now-ruling labor party had something on him.

“Everything that happens labour finds a way to tie me into it because if Guy is not part of it, it don’t have no taste,” Joseph told the audience.

But he warned that Saint Lucia was in trouble.

“Our country is in trouble. We put our country in the hands of the worst possible government that could be elected in a country,” the former MP stated.

And he referred to Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre as an embarrassment.

Headline photo: Stock image

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  1. Well for the moment even if his not my favorite however he does have a point BTW we are still waiting for the report from the probe regarding all the accusations that was made by this current government against the former administration

  2. The slp will be in power for 2 terms also if they enact a minimum wage I am voting for them in 26

  3. All these politicians should just shut the H up and focus on the country’s needs. Nobody cares…

  4. Guy is right since that day they say there will be a Special ]Prosecutor, up to now we cannot hear anything. So guy is right.

  5. It’s just ashame that people believe what they hear with no evidence. 2million dollars allocated for a special prosecutor just to cloud our thinking. I see single mothers who are not able to send their kids to school, but we busy wasting 2 million to give a supporter of the Party to do NOTHING. 2 years and not a hint of anything corrupt on Guy. Like seriously. Am beginning to wonder and then i think these guys have a man right there who has had a bank account closed. I believed those guys ramblings. But Awah eee.

  6. Remember in 2011 we voted for Kenny and the SLP cause that was a campaign promise to have Guy more so, along with Richard, King, Mondesir, Chas and Bruce Tucker at Bodelais for all the money they embezzled during King’s reign. Fast forward to 2016 and we were still waiting. Hence we voted them out. Trust me the same thing will happen again.

  7. @ “Where do we go from here”, based on your assessment it seems this is a strategy used by the SLP to garner support at the polls. If they cannot fulfill the simple task of investigating the past administration for corruption and misappropriation of public funds then why should the people believe their campaign promises? This time around the corruption is glaring: the Daher mall deal, the covid-19 fake contract, the various multimillion-dollar no-bid contracts, the 1,000 acres at $1,000 per year lease, the $12 million USD paid to Lockabie for what, etc. Those and many more nefarious undertakings warrant a clear and concise explanation.

  8. Slp is a user of people with false promises. Sadly but truth be told this was once a party that I did love Ms believed in. Today they are no longer gods elect. They use people and make lots of false promise Ses during election. I at one time had high hopes for this party especially Phillip Pierre but now I am sadly disappointed. A prime minister who promises to be better than uwp but turned out to be a disappointment. The Philip Pierre who would engage in conversation even th anyone during his time in opposition but now knows no one even when he knows people on a one to one.but I fear not for I know that god isnin control. Fear not guy st Lucia was in a better state with uwp in power. I wait patiently for next election and I wait patiently for when slp is in opposition to come and brag uselessly. They are no different to what they preach about uwp.. the poor will alaway remain poor with them. Peace and love

  9. Awa guy, you are a real collie, you mean to tell me they caught you , they put you out and up to now they cannot do nothing with you ??
    Give the man his jacket 🧥. Castries south east, bring back the flavor in the house .

  10. SLP used its base to win the elections. They gave scripts to select talk show person telling them to attack and malign people to garner support. The same Sean Mathew who they gave people assenza reports and.told them to target him has been retained by them to work on the HIA project and also put.on the ECTEL board. The accountant General who they accused is till there, the ps in finance ….still there…. they used their base to create division and attack people and now they don’t want to see them. Even Richard forget those who were with him fighting , protesting, rallying, climbing piton……Jack Beach is mine etc etc …….doing shate with themselves…he don’t know them. Some die hard soldiers will tell you SLP has lost their support because they sold out to turn coats who gave campaign finance. When I see certain people who went above and beyond are treated like dogs by SLP I know that I can never vote for them.again. I thought PIP was different but he’s the worst of the lot…..a real house slave who sold out to the elites. My vote is one they can say they lost.

  11. Even if one is alleged to be innocent until proven guilty doesn’t mean the crime wasn’t committed. He seems to be so guilty that he waited until he thought the crimes he committed couldn’t be proven before he got out of hibernation. Let’s hope for his own good that he didn’t speak too soon.

  12. Guy has a point. He is saying come and get me if you have the goods on me. Yet, no one is showing up. Essentially, he is exposing a lie. It doesn’t get clearer than that. Guy is taunting, “behlehlesh.”

    Approximately 2 years in office, and Labour can’t flush him down the toilet. It’s time for the party hardcore to start clearing the cobwebs in the brain. Kinda reminds me of Trump’s supporters, who insist that they were robbed by the voting machines.

  13. In Politics, there will be a lot of Sound, and Furry, signifying Nothing. We will get a lot of Barking and little or no Biting.

  14. All politricktians in St.Luia are the same is Remarks against one another instead of Moving the Country Foward and Stop Dividing Citizens of St.Lucia

  15. The Parable of the Sower
    “Do not be greatly angry and incensed,
    The tongue is a destructive weapon, a 🔥 fire and a world of 😈 evil”
    A truth witness does not deceives, but a false witness pours out lies !


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