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UWP Accuses Labour Administration Of Abuse Of Power Over Recent Events In Parliament

The United Workers Party is appalled at the continuous attempts by the SLP administration to prevent the Opposition from keeping them honest and accountable to the people.

The Leader of the Opposition and Member of Parliament for Micoud South, the Honourable Allen Chastanet, returned to Parliament yesterday, 02 May 2023, fully armed with the details of the acquisition of the land at Bananes known as Block 0647E Parcel 50.

The Leader of the Opposition delivered a flawless presentation where he clearly showed that the Minister of Housing continues to mislead the public as to the value of the land and the details of the Bananes sale.

The Leader of the Opposition was able to prove that the land in question was one and the
same as the mutated parcel 11 in 2013 and parcel 50 as sold, except for a sliver of land for a pathway now numbered Parcel 51.

His reference to the sale of one hectare clearly stated in the Deed of Sale, brought further clarity to his submission.

Much to our dismay the Speaker continued to show his bias against and contempt for the Leader of the Opposition and he proceeded to insist that the Member apologize for a distortion of the facts that was perpetuated by the Minister of Housing.

This is an abuse of power and a continuous over stepping of the Speaker’s boundaries. How can the Speaker of the House of Assembly prevent a member who wishes to exit the Chamber or leave Parliament?

How can the Speaker compel a Member to participate in the Proceedings if the Member chooses not to do so?

The United Workers Party will not remain silent any longer. We will not allow this SLP Administration to continue to abuse the power afforded to them. We will stand against any future attempts by this government to silence the voice of the people as they demand accountability and transparency from the Philip J. Pierre administration.

We will never shirk our responsibility to question this government and hold it accountable.

SOURCE: United Workers Party

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  1. Chastenet has just played his pawn move and the speaker of the house has captured what they call in chess the poisoned pawn…he (the speaker) will find his actions of eating that pawn a bitter piece of venison to swallow…I think he walked right into Chastenet’s trap…a move in chess called a mating net… appalled as I am by the state of politics in Saint Lucia, I think the public should see and observe the behaviour of reprehensible men and women who are supposed to be doing the people’s business…

  2. Chastanet has a penchant for stating falsehoods. He has a track record of incompetence, gaffes, and sheer ignorance. Further, he has already shown an inclination for inflexibility rather than negotiation. Why couldn’t he provide the source for the 2013 appraisal of the property at $67 a square foot? It’s not farfetched to request his source of information. What is appalling about the situation is that Chastanet has led his followers straight into a morass of lies and conspiracy theories about the SLP that has undermined his credibility for years to come. His quasi-popularity in the UWP rests solely on demagoguery. The man is a delusional fantasist.

  3. I agree with the UWP. Do not take this lightly. Make a case against every single one of them. This is not how you conduct government business.The SLP has always been famous for abuse of power and victimization through out government. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks but you can cage him. There ought to be a law that prevents ministers whether red or yellow from taking crown lands to sell. This does not happen in a proper running country. Just take the whole SLP bunch to court.

  4. Don’t worry Chas we got your back.we are not blinded by the red show of power.Cant believe that when ever you open your mouth to speak grown men are threatened by the truth.Dont forget we are not a noisy bunch but we are there with you.Action speaks louder than words.Red
    Empty pots and empty brain makes the loudest noise

  5. A bunch of red devils and ther minions will never prevale and all those people that follow them will go down with them for supporting blatant corruption and pretend they don’t see it. A bunch of traiters agents there own country!……these people don’t even care about the future of their own children….what a bloody shame!…..criminals will always support criminals and they will still die poor.

  6. according to Guy MR speaker since when thats your role? honestly i can see the biasness and the anger the speaker has since he lost the case he had against mr chastanet. I believe that the speaker should be someone neutral and not affiliative to any party. You can see Cladius is for richard frederick. they playing the game lets keep the white man out.

  7. It is amazing how many right thinking Lucians are in one accord in favor of free speech in this Democracy; my comment recently lasted a few hours before it was struck off. I think I write what is true and healthy for the mind, but in this fight between the one they call a whiteman and a speaker, raises a stench not known in this House in its history; so we will see soon.


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