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United Workers Party Launches New Website – A Hub for All Things UWP


The United Workers Party (UWP) is proud to announce the launch of its new website, designed to serve as a hub for all things UWP.

The new website features an easy-to-use platform that offers supporters a wealth of information about the Party, its policies, and its leaders.

The UWP website provides visitors with a user-friendly experience, featuring a range of exciting new tools and resources. The site includes a section where supporters can find their voter registration information and sign up for Party membership.

Donations can also be made online, making it easier than ever to support the UWP’s mission.

In addition to providing supporters with access to important Party information, the UWP website offers a comprehensive overview of the Party’s history, mission, vision, and values.

Visitors can also learn about the Party’s executive members, former Party leaders and representatives, as well as the projects done by the Party over the years.

The UWP website is more than just a resource for Party members. The website allows visitors to share their ideas or concerns directly with the UWP through a contact form, providing a platform for engagement and collaboration.

In a few weeks, the UWP website will launch a new feature that allows supporters to purchase UWP branded paraphernalia, including t-shirts, hats, and more.

“I am very pleased with the huge surge in support of not only persons wishing to engage with and to join the party membership but also persons offering all forms of assistance. The new website will provide an easier mechanism for joining the party and engaging with us in a meaningful way as our traditional intake processes are being strained by the overwhelming interest.” UWP Chairman, Therold (TP) Prudent.

Visit the new Party’s website and learn more

SOURCE: United Workers Party

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  1. Another organ of lies, distortions, disinformation, and conspiracy theories. To have a meaningful impact, you must stop the spewing of falsehoods and bring the truth to light. Stop being lazy and do exhaustive research about the government’s shortcomings. Stop crying out wolf when you see a sheep. Be a credible witness instead of a lazy opportunist. Develop a coherent argument instead of a superficial, disjointed lie. Educate the people with the truth rather than indoctrinate them with empty platitudes. If you can seriously do those things then you will build credibility. Currently, you are a joke; a purveyor of lies and distortions.

  2. @ Ras Biko thank you for giving us an excellent description of your SLP cabal. Just a few more side notes you for got though. That can’t govern but can only make noise in opposition, they always tax the populace to death when in government, always increase the price of fuel when in government, they give you 2 dollars but tax you 5 dollars, always accusing the opposing party with corruption when they are the most corrupt and can’t produce one shred of evidence to sopport their claim, they always spend millions investigating their opponent and never find nothing and, always do secrets deals unknown to us, have corrupt ministers with questionable characters whose visa is revoked, bank account closed for questionable activities and have no leadership skills inspit if all their PHD’s and degrees, debate e like holigans in the house and they along with their speaker don’t seems to know or follow the house rules, regulations or procedures. That’s just a few more as the list seems to long to mane.

  3. I do not think that people’s personal information such as voter registration should be on any party’s website. And if that is the case it should be removed. How does government protect people’s data? The party is just that, a party. It should concern itself with its party business not any information on voters! Ridiculous wrong and illegal!

  4. @St Lucia Times

    Are you certain this UWP website is valid? Cause I have contacted them (UWP) via the email contact on their website to highlight issue of concern I have with the way politicians behave in the House of the People of Saint Lucia and my email did not go through…you Saint Lucia Times must look into this issue to ascertain this website is valid…In another issue on the so called UWP website their refer to the current PM as Philip J Perrier…now it’s either this is an error or a blatant disrespect to the current Head of the nation voted in by the People of Saint Lucia…

  5. I have watched over the years as political parties dig deep hole they can never get out of and are surprised when they lose elections.
    The SLP have dug such a hole with their arrogance, ineptitude and criminality. The Bannanes issue in particular might be the last straw. They have basically stuck the finger up at Lucians and perverted justice including in Parliament. The LOO should NEVER apologise and the longer he stays away from Parlianent the longer this issue will fester.
    Additionally the SLP are breaking certain rules and custons that have held between politicians over the years. When they lose the next elections the breaking of these rules mean some of them will be seen as targets for jail because of their actions.

  6. An idle mind is indeed the Devil’s Workshop. When being in Government is the only time one has a job.

  7. Lucian 758, you accused SLP of telling lies, I support you. Isn’t your leader has a PhD in telling lies? Tell me one thing he has said and it’s the truth? Just one.
    When is he going to apologize for referring to George daughter as non entity? As long as there are Allen, Guy and Dominic we will never vote them.

  8. John are you speaking for yourself or for all Cepals. You pretending you don’t know that they have categorically stated that they don’t want Cyrus as Chief Education Officer. Both parties especially the SLP have wronged the Cepal family in many ways.

  9. Some desperation eh I tell you boy. Not gonna work, listen to what the Polls r telling y”all UWP cant win an election with Chas, Guy, Dominic and Ferrol at the helm.

  10. Response to @Tyron

    You can find information on voter registration on the website of Saint Lucia’s Electoral Department. The objective of any political party is to expand its membership and encourage individuals to exercise their democratic rights. This is crucial because voting is the means by which individuals can bring about political change and attain their goals in a democratic society. In a democracy, a citizen who abstains from voting forfeits their right to complain when political outcomes do not align with their preferences.


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