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Hilaire Expects Biggest Saint Lucia Carnival In 2023


Tourism Minister Dr. Ernest Hilaire expects Saint Lucia to host its biggest-Carnival this year, despite airlift challenges.

“We expect exceptional numbers this year. We expect it to be our biggest Carnival,” he told reporters.

Hilaire, also responsible for Investment, Creative Industries, Culture, and Information, explained that the entire Caribbean faces a challenge regarding the availability and cost of flights.

But he disclosed that Saint Lucia was in consultation with several airlines.

“One has already agreed to put on more flights. A second one will confirm with us just next week – just after jazz in terms of how many more flights they will put on,” the Castries South MP explained.

“The airlines keep saying they don’t have more planes. They have to go to Europe in the summer,” Hilaire told reporters Monday.

However, he said Saint Lucia has to continue fighting for more flights.

“And I think we are going to start working on some of the options for next year. This year is a little too short but there are a couple of things that we may have to do on our own to make it happen. So let’s see how this year goes and we will plan better for next year,” the Minister stated.

Headline photo: Image courtesy Dr. Ernest Hilaire’s Facebook page.

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