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Child’s Body Found At Scene Of Gros Islet Fire

Emergency personnel from the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) found a child’s body at the scene of a fire at Morne Serpent, Gros Islet, on Friday.

SLFS Communications Officer Stacy Joseph said the deceased had severe burns.

Joseph said the discovery came after emergency personnel responded to a structural fire report at approximately 1:05 pm and found a single-storey dwelling house fully engulfed in flames.

She disclosed that the responders encountered difficulty accessing the scene due to the unplanned development and layout of structures.

Nevertheless, Joseph explained that the firefighters quickly contained the fire, which did not damage nearby properties.

But the SLFS spokeswoman said the blaze destroyed the wooden house and its contents.

“A young male individual was found near the house with severe burns to his body. An assessment of the child revealed that there were no signs of life,” Joseph stated.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. Difficulty because of unplanned layout. How ironic this is generally across st. Lucia. If one can recalled the city was burnt down because primarily the city was considered ply wood city. Now considering the lackadaisical behavior of many parents or parent with the slackness of matches, lighters etc being easily accessible at kids hand reach also some kids are left forced to cook something for themselves only to have horrific outcome like this. Additionally some places like to run and extension cord and simply overload there single line circuit and also placing those cheap ass adapter to connect multiple devices are also cause to these disaster. Some people does have paper to show they’re qualified but their actions suggest otherwise.


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