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Police Investigate Shooting In Choiseul


Police are investigating a shooting incident at Caffiere, Choiseul, on Sunday at about 7:30 pm.

According to community reports, a man in his twenties sustained gunshot injuries, and an ambulance transported him to hospital.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. We can now consider this violent situation as an epidemic…I also highly believe that bad governance contributes solely to the highrise in the ruthless and callous behaviour….this gov’t is to comparison with a worthless ghetto girl dat bore’ s kids and have no time to discipline or teach dem etiquette…..anything goes!

  2. Most of the Parents and Grand Parents Encourage their kids in the life of Criminal Activities

  3. It’s Pierre and his Cabals fault….. their behavior is comparison to that of a worthless ghetto girl that have kids and have no time to discipline them. Why was he not in Choiseul hiding behind a banana tree by the side of the road to spring in action the moment the fellow pull a gun, he is the minister of national security he should be securing the place. If he can’t be everywhere he should consider giving the post to like of Archibald Bunker The Man of Steel he would have been there in spandex with his yellow cape and his bullet proof chest to stop the bullet.

  4. This community and the useless vieux negres residing in that hole are a blight on Choiseul and the society at large. I thought that this community would have been extinct long ago but it look like those born in the 1970’s and 1980’s propagated useless children and many of them too. Those there right now, should be offered free health services that “tie” their womb to prevent other useless men being born in that community. No way, you people coming and spoil Choiseul! Offer the women and men of Caffierre free birth control methods. The one that involve surgery where women can no longer make kids is a perfect solution. These people have problems in that hole!

  5. The usual dribble from Lucian Lowgrade is indicative of his iq of 52.

  6. Archieeeeeee where hart thou old boy ??? Are you sure you did not father these very same degenerates you are complaining about ?? You were quite.tjr Stud muffin back in the day, balls of steel O daddy your children has come home to roost

  7. The police and the government of st lucia need to get of they asses and start protecting the people and stop degrading each other in parliament. The people of st lucia need to come together and protest the violence that is happening in they communities. How many more innocent need to be killed,


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