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Saint Lucians Paying More For 100 Pound LPG, Less For Kerosene

The Public is hereby notified that in keeping with changes in international oil prices and Government’s application of the modified market pass-through petroleum pricing mechanism, the retail price of Kerosene and the LPG 100 lb cylinder has changed.

The retail price of Gasoline, Diesel, 20 and 22 pound cylinders remains unchanged. The price changes take effect from Monday, June 5, 2023.

  • Gasoline remains unchanged at $3.63 per litre or $16.50 per gallon.
  • Diesel remains unchanged at $3.57 per litre or $16.25 per gallon.
  • Kerosene decreased from $2.60 per litre or $11.81 per gallon to $2.16 per litre or $9.84 per gallon.

The 20 lb Cylinder (9.07kg) is being subsidized at $11.24 per cylinder and the 22 lb Cylinder (9.98kg) is being subsidized at $12.36 per cylinder.

  • 20 Pound Cylinder (9.07 kg) remains unchanged at $40.46 per cylinder.
  • 22 Pound Cylinder (9.98 kg) remains unchanged at $44.51 per cylinder.
  • 100 Pound Cylinder (45.36kg) increased from $247.35 to $258.48 per cylinder.

The Public is informed that the next adjustment of the retail price of fuel products will be on Monday, June 26, 2023.

SOURCE: Ministry of Commerce, Manufacturing, Business Development, Cooperatives and Consumer Affairs

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  1. I know that it’s difficult..however prices of everything have increased worldwide and no island or country is exempt….you just have to manage the best way possible.


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