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WATCH: Universal Health Coverage Phase One Launched


Director of Universal Health Coverage, Dr. Alisha Eugene Ford, has expressed much gratitude to the many players who support and continue to contribute to strengthening Universal Health Coverage-UHC.

The UHC Phase One Launch occurred recently.

More in this report.


SOURCE: Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs

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  1. Step in the right direction – A journey of a 100 miles begin with the first step. However, UHC in SLU is very vague. When will someone with a functional brain explain what is in the UHC Package and what should a patient who is covered under UHC expect in that package. I do not want to explanation from a politician. I would appreciate if a doctor or someone from the medical group explain the expectation

  2. More taxes to pay for people not caring about their health. More KFC. More rum drinking. When you take away personal responsibility expect disaster.

  3. Good initiative….however one can’t help but notice the worst minister of health in the midst….Alvina has now become the best thing since sliced bread for the ruling party smh. A party of misfits who can’t do without the input of the very people they had their surrogates malign when they were in opposition. Hypocrites

  4. Just wondering why the authorities did not consider the elderly to be included in phase one.


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