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Police Probe Report Of Home Invader Beaten By Gros Islet Residents

Police are investigating a report that Gros Islet residents beat up a man accused of breaking into a house in their community on Wednesday morning, June 21, 2023.

Social media videos and photos show a man on the ground.

“Don’t hit the man again,” a female voice says off-camera as the man gasps for air.

A male individual goes through the man’s pockets and retrieves a piece of paper.

“Ministry of Justice. That man just come from jail,” one onlooker declares.

“That man just come from and sign,” another asserts.

Suspect being led away by the police.
Suspect being led away by the police.

“All from Vieux Fort in your (expletive) and you coming all here?” Says another individual.

Other social media photos show the suspect in the custody of two police officers and later at the back of a pickup truck.

The police said he was transported to receive medical attention as their investigations continue.

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  1. yall not hearing eh i tired of telling yall stop recording these things and putting it on social media. I know yall want to show people what plock yall give them but when you do this your “right ” just turned into your “wrong” as much as he is a thief an you caught him where he was not supposed to be in the first place you people to quick to pull out a phone to record and post it for all the wrong reasons

  2. One stop shopping. Apprehended, sentenced and punished within no time at the same location. Young, healthy guy choosing to be a parasite.Some of these characters kill people in their own homes.

    Thank you justice committee for your civic work.

  3. Do they really want to do that ?
    Do you think that if he did ask one of us for help or assistance we would assist ?

    Ppl I am not encouraging thief , but look at the poor community that he came from . Look at these small houses one on top the other . Do They have anything going on for them down there? The people that god has put on the throne to take care of the people …….. remember god is not asleep. I hate a thief but they need help too . Now don’t come for me .

  4. They refuse to go and work for 3 to 5 EC dollars like the thousands of the working poor . I hope that when the new administration enact a minimum or livable wage rate that they will go and pick up a job

  5. Everyone blames poverty for crime….I don’t sit on the block all day messing around…I go do my security job for a honest bread n paper…these guys are too lazy

  6. He lucky it wasn’t Cas En Bas bc he would never even make it to the polyclinic!!! … Go GI…. These young guys need skills training. where are the free courses, workshops and certificates for them to obtain, be it agriculture, IT, art, theatre, sports,Music ect … VF to GI this is how they have to eat? Come on now….woi smh

  7. The Residents did a Very good Job .QUESTION why Record these Incidents and Post it on Social Media .That’s Evidence which can Be used in a Court of Law. St.Lucians before anything is Social Media .Some of you wise persons posting Videos on Social Media Learn

  8. This guy needs to clean every square inches of the prison compound and pay him 5$ a day because he pays no bills, rent not even food. After 30yrs release him with his earnings because he won’t be to climb no heights or run fast. Lol these characters are a parasite to our small Island. Luckily it wasn’t my home.. cold freezer style.

  9. Oh no! We can’t have this vigilantism. This is unacceptable in a civilized society. There is a legal system to handle this matter. Every one has rights. Our judicial system is predicated on the premise that one is innocent until proven guilty. Civilians can’t be judge and jury. In as much I am opposed to crime, I can’t condone this behavior.

  10. @john Brown , shut your hole it should be your house they had broken into and stole the things you worked hard and sweat for and rape and killed someone in your household in the process. The thief comes not only to steal but to destroy. Its because the Justice system is shitty thats why there is vigilante justice in the first place. If justice was swift and fair alot of those things would not be done. So you telling me you get a man in your house you dont know who he is you never invited him but he is there, you dont try to apprehend him and he escapes with your belongings police then maybe get him and the matter goes to court and the magistrate finds him not guilty but you saw the guy in your house. How is that for your innocent until proven guilty.

  11. Re Article.. The thief chose the wrong house,he is lucky that they didn’t cut off his fingers and let him loose…

  12. John Brown maybe you are a thief yourself why don’t you go pick up a security Job for your 3 dollars an hour working 16 hour shifts

  13. I think some of you are missing the point – talking about training and livable wage. Do you not understand — when a person has made up their own mind to do wrong and engage in a life of crime – no training or job even it pays $25 per hour can stop them. Their cv/resume speaks as follows:

    OCCUPATION: Volaire, thief, gang banger, malaleevay, malveetaaye
    SKILLS: Stealing, lying, robbery and breaking and entering
    EDUCATION: University of Crime
    DEGREE: Criminal with honors
    REFERENCES: Their brethren also criminals

    While I don’t agree with taking the law into your own hands. If someone enters my personal living space I will certainly have a right to ?????????
    With the laws in St. Lucia – he would probably receive bail and would be breaking into another home immediately thereafter. Let this be a message to the rest of the good for nothings.

  14. John Brown maybe you are a thief yourself why don’t you go pick up a security Job for your 3 dollars an hour working 16 hour shifts

  15. Those on the throne of mercy! seriously its people like you who enable this type of behaviour. I remember growing up and my mother was poor at times we didn’t have meals to eat, no water to bathe, no money to buy new things. One thing was sure WE DIDNT go around stealing peoples stuff, and if we did bring anything to the house my mother didn’t buy we had to take it back or explain ourselves. Don’t you dear bring God into this because he never asked anyone of them to steal, how can you not advocate for folks to take responsibility for their actions and maybe start making changes and adjustments to their lives instead of talking this type of whatever it is.


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