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SLASPA To Undertake Remedial Work On Hewanorra International Airport Runway

Following the passing of Tropical Storm Bret on June 22, 2023, SLASPA completed an assessment of the Hewanorra International Airport’s runway and the results revealed that the lighting system has been affected.

Consequently, there was an interruption in our night time operations at the Hewanorra
International Airport (HIA).

SLASPA has made the necessary intervention to address this circumstance and we are hoping to remedy the situation in full by Saturday, July 01st 2023.

SLASPA values the safety of its employees, stakeholders and customers and will continue
to provide updates as they become available.

SOURCE: Saint Lucia Air and Sea Ports Authority 

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  1. Where is the contigency plan for such an operation ? Can someone explain the issue ? Is this an attack (Cyber) on the systems which control the lights ? Just a few questions I am asking for my friend.

  2. @Mailman it can be a couple of things relating to this issue however once again it just proves how much we are ineffective in St Lucia when it comes to dealing with these type circumstances. So just may be instead of the PM investing resources in a victory celebration in Micoud he should consider giving priority to the livelihood of the people in the country.

  3. Who exactly is running this thing? Do they have proper skills and qualifications? Or is it a friend of a friend connection that got them the job while more qualified people were harassed out of their positions by politicians and others in charge. St Lucia is in so much trouble as a country. This problem is a symptom of far bigger problems in leadership, business , governance and society. Keep on recycling old hacks from UWP and SLP who simply steal the nation,’s resources and see how far we get.

  4. @Nonsense, you seem to have inside information cause I don’t think you would make such comments. Could you imagine in today’s society politics plays such a role that no flights can enter the country after 6:00pm for an issue that can be solved easily but the powers that be will not eat back their vomit and at least consult those they got rid of and replaced them with incompetent hacks. That’s not the first time severe weather has affected the runway lighting but we didn’t know of it cause it was resolved immediately. There are 2 guys out there that would go to the airport now and resolve that matter in less than an hour. Today is Wednesday, imagine from Friday the airport has to be closed from 6:00pm.

  5. Doesn’t this situation seem like a joke? A sort of prank. Most serious organizations that deal in safety keep a critical list of spare parts on hand. Those parts are not usually mammoth machinery. Simple everyday things like fuses, bulbs specialized screws etc. They are meant to address small events that can shut an entire system down. It’s hard to believe that an airport’s night operations can be closed for so long just for that occurrence.

  6. Unqualified people always believe they can do the job of a qualified person. But when the sheet hit the fan and these unqualified people don’t understand procedure, they have no clue how to deal with problems. It is obvious that Caribbean islands suffer from a lot of stupidity. And that stupidity is costly as we see at hewannorra airport. Respect professionals and be professional.

  7. WELCOME TO ST LUCIA, oops how do I type this in CREOLE, I mean what da ….. is going on here, its seems like each time I read some article about my home country they’re heading back in time or its must be some political drama that’s endless and sounds so stupid it makes no sense at all. Can we agree to just hire the correct persons to do the jobs that are needed to maintain the place. 1800 and your international airport is closed! what happens if there is an emergency and this is the alternate what would you do? Do I need to do a blind interview to hire the correct personnel to get this job done right for once and for all. Mr Pierre and beginning to question if you’re fit for this job now? FIX THIS NONSESE asap!


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