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Saint Lucia Observes World Elder Abuse Awareness Day


World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) was celebrated with much fervor and enthusiasm in Saint Lucia earlier this month.

This significant day, officially recognized by the United Nations General Assembly in 2011, serves as a global platform to raise awareness about elder abuse, a grave human rights violation.

WEAAD also emphasized the importance of upholding the dignity of older individuals and their right to live free from fear and violence.

Under the theme “Closing the Circle: Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Older Age,” HelpAge St. Lucia, in collaboration with the Elder Care Unit of the Division of Human Services, Ministry of Equity, Social Justice and Empowerment, on June 15, 2023 organized a special Service at the St. Michael’s Parish Roman Catholic Church in La Resource, Dennery to commemorate the occasion.

Following the mass, older persons were treated to a delightful lunch and an afternoon of entertainment, fun, and laughter.

The gathering provided a valuable opportunity for them to interact, forge new connections, and share experiences.

“Their presence was a testament to the solidarity and commitment of the Saint Lucian community to address the challenges faced by older individuals and create a supportive environment for them,” noted Family Case Worker with Responsibility for the Elderly, Andrea Alcide.

The event welcomed esteemed guests and numerous retired and older persons from various communities across the island for a day filled with fun, compassion and celebration. Students of the La Resource, Richfond, and Derniere Riviere Combined schools also played an essential role in the day’s activity, as they honored and entertained the older persons present.

Organizers have expressed overwhelming satisfaction with the heartwarming stories, excitement, and engagement that made the event a resounding success. As Saint Lucia commemorated World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, the nation reaffirmed its commitment to combating elder abuse and promoting the well-being of older individuals.

Through collaborative efforts and ongoing initiatives, Saint Lucia, via the Ministry of Equity, Social Justice and Empowerment, aims to create a society that respects and cherishes the invaluable contributions of its older population.

SOURCE: Ministry of Equity, Social Justice & Empowerment 

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