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Thirty Saint Lucians To Attend Regional Youth Event in Guadeloupe


Thirty Saint Lucians between the ages of thirteen and sixteen will attend a regional youth event in Guadeloupe.

The group will leave Saint Lucia on Saturday, July 7, 2023.

Rochelle Victor, a French teacher and the chaperone for the local student group, explained that the activity’s main objective is getting participants to interact and socialise with each other while developing mutual respect and appreciating different cultures.

Guadeloupe’s Abymes community organised the event, which the Castries Mayor’s Office and L’ association Sainte-Lucie Territoire français des Ameriques have supported.

In addition to Saint Lucia, young people from Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Martinique and Venezuela will be among the participants from around the region.

‘Young People At the Heart of Cooperation’ is the theme.


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