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Ti Blacks Crowned 2023 Calypso Monarch


 After delivering two compelling performances of his songs ‘Won’t Regret Minelle’ and ‘The Ghetto Cries’, Ti Blacks of the South Calypso Tent has been crowned the 2023 Calypso Monarch.

In what has been dubbed the ‘year of the youth’ for kaiso, three young calypsonians have copped top spots in the finals of the competition. The results for this year’s Calypso Monarch Competition are as follows:

Rank  Calypsonian   Songs   Points Standing  
Winner  Ti Blacks Won’t regret Minelle

The Ghetto Cries

1st Runner- Up  TC Brown Our Leaders


2nd Runner- Up  Dezral My Ambassadors Report

Bruceville Knows

3rd Runner- Up  Ready Destination

Take A Bow


The exciting weekend of competition continues on the SAAB with Panorama today, July 9, and King and Queen of the Bands on Monday, July 10. Junior revelers will also line the city later today, July 9 for the Junior Carnival parade from 12 noon at the Derek Walcott Square.

Calypso winners
Calypso winners

Tickets for all events can be purchased at the Cell outlets, Steve’s Barbershop in Castries, and the Saint Lucia box office in Rodney Bay. Tickets can also be purchased at the gates on event days.

To stay informed on updates on Saint Lucia Carnival go to or follow @carnivalsaintlucia on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Follow @juniorcarnivalsaintlucia on Instagram for everything relating to Junior Carnival.

SOURCE: Carnival Planning & Management Committee

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  1. Anonymous how wrong you are. Maybe you should say worse attendance at a finals then maybe all would agree. I thought too that Dezrel didn’t really defend his crown but kudos to Ti Black’s and TC Brown. At the end of the show I knew one of them would have been King. I must commend the judges on a job well done.

  2. The judges should have said no one win because the quality and standard was far below ….

  3. They should give him the crown king Charles have in Buckingham palace instead poo f that cheap crown that do not have any diamonds on it it is a fake crown if he is a kind where is his robe of gold and his stage coach of gold like what the so called Royal family has in England

  4. to the people that are singing clock out and never saw a day of work in their life especially yall females, stop singing that song its not for you, nerdy has another song named UNEMPLOYED which best suits yall


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