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WATCH: Montoute, Mondesir Clash Live On Air

Two former government ministers who served in a previous United Workers Party (UWP) administration clashed on Wednesday night during Newsmaker Live on DBS Television.

Dr. Keith Mondesir called the programme to take issue with his former cabinet colleague Lenard ‘Spider’ Montoute, the Newsmaker Live guest.

Mondesir felt that Montoute was unfairly attacking former Prime Minister and current Castries North MP Stephenson King and Castries Central MP Richard Frederick during the programme.

Frederick and King served in a UWP administration but are currently in the ruling Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) cabinet.

In 2009, Opposition Leader Dr. Kenny Anthony successfully filed a lawsuit against Mondesir, then Health Minister.

According to the case, Mondesir attempted to gain duty-free concessions illegally by using tax concessions intended for his guest house, Tuxedo Villas, on his private residence.

The Saint Lucia government lost an appeal at the OECS highest court.

And Mondesir later repaid fifteen thousand dollars to the office of the Comptroller of Customs for duty-free concessions.

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  1. Not for that SLp will crap on you…you better go beg Chastanet for space to nail the yellow flags on poles for elections

  2. Mondesir has no shame, he is a professional ass-licker. who in the right mind would defend King and Frederick in today’s political episode.

  3. I am tired of Montoute making silly demands and accusations. He is not offering any solutions. Bankrupt, self centered politician and that is why he was voted out. This crime surge will not disappear overnight. I just want the government and police to keep the pressure on the criminals.

  4. Wow how quickly yhe currupt attaack the currupt, all hands on deck, reel in tne deck decks, those who fight for alligned idrntification, while these maligned individuals fill their pockets, when will our people stop identifying themselves by the rrd, yellow, green, blue and now rainbow colours and realise we are simply identifiable by the colours of the flag we fly, these unstable people who throw themselves at the populace during electorial times are no better equiped than the the common rubbish terriors or vagrants we identify as common household muses, but well as my Dad always said, even a mad man has a story to tell, so lisyen carefully but do not allow yourself to be misguided, they will still get together and fill their pockets at your expense, good show guys, the bankers are still raping us under your so called watchfull eyes 2% interest on savings but 11% plus on loans etc? Speak up, now a CCJ so their colleagues can protect them from persecution, what a laugh when we become our worst enemy by choosing the same coin which is portrayed to have two sides but spins on an axis and remains a whole, does it lean at 33 degrees maybe 13 go figure, wake up sheeple, wake up

  5. Wow how quickly the currupt attaack the currupt, all hands on deck, reel in the deck decks, those who fight for alligned idrntification, while these maligned individuals fill their pockets, when will our people stop identifying themselves by the red, yellow, green, blue and now rainbow colours and realise we are simply identifiable by the colours of the flag we fly, these unstable people who throw themselves at the populace during electorial times are no better equiped than the the common rubbish terriors or vagrants we identify as common household muses, but well as my Dad always said, even a mad man has a story to tell, so listen carefully but do not allow yourself to be misguided, they will still get together and fill their pockets at your expense, good show guys, the bankers are still raping us under your so called watchfull eyes 2% interest on savings, but 11% plus on loans etc? Speak up, now a CCJ so their colleagues can protect them from prosecution of their crimes, what a laugh when we become our worst enemy by choosing the same coin which is portrayed to have two sides but spins on an axis and remains a whole, does it lean at 33 degrees maybe 13 go figure, wake up sheeple, wake up

  6. Please look into the crimes that plague the country.
    Those UWP, Are power hungry. Hope St Lucian are see and hearing the kind of things the UWP’S are doing. They fill their pockets, take our money,the only time you see them again is four and half years later.
    Tell them no more RUM and CHICKEN.


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