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Pierre Highlights Need For Joint CARICOM Diplomatic Missions In Africa

Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre has highlighted the need for Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries to establish joint diplomatic missions in Africa and deepen relations with the continent.

Pierre spoke as the Egypt-based Africa Import-export Bank (Afreximbank) opened its Caribbean office in Barbados last week.

He looked forward to cooperation involving the bank, the CARICOM Economic Fund, and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB).

“This partnership agreement of the bank, which virtually comes to life today with the launching of the office in Barbados, is the signal for us in CARICOM to deepen our relations with Africa,” Pierre told the launch ceremony.

And he said the Saint Lucia government was committed to doing so and establishing a diplomatic presence in some African countries.

Pierre observed that with the bank operating for all CARICOM countries, it was perhaps time for countries in the regional integration movement to establish joint diplomatic missions in Africa “rather than the individual diplomatic offices that some of us have in a few African states”.

The comments drew applause from the audience.

Pierre, responsible for Finance, Economic Development, and the Youth Economy, stated that the economic sectors identified for the bank’s activities are critical to CARICOM’s development.

He thus explained that Africa would have a vital role in the region’s economic future.

In addition, the Saint Lucia Prime Minister noted the significance of the partnership as a good example of South-South cooperation.

And against the backdrop of Emancipation Day observances on August 1, Pierre said the Afreximbank office launch constituted a reversal of the unjust and inhumane links forcibly set up between the Caribbean and Africa by Europeans 400 years ago.

” It establishes the foundation for free, meaningful, and dignified relations between CARICOM and African countries,” Pierre declared.

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  1. In your 2 years in office this is the only sensible statement you’ve made. I hope you morons realise the west is dying. US hegemony is at its end. Start looking to alternates. Africa is a natural fit.

    A note of caution to you my Prime Minister, you were jacked up and pretty elated after your signing of that deal with the Saudi Businessmen. Saudi Arabian business is o. k. but I must warn you, don’t get carried away with what African Business is set up in Barbados.
    Saudi Arabia is not African – do not rush in and sign anything with international Scammers. Remember you are a P.M. of an impoverished little Rock sticking out of the Ocean, and your only industry so far is Tourism, that’s it; I urge you to look at “ALJAZEERA” on your T.V. as often as you can, see the turmoil, the Coup, the fighting. They will not do business with you if there’s not something in it for them – you know that very well in St. Lucia – tread softly, slow down, don’t rush it. Deal with the Hospitals in the South first, and the Modern one too. Fix the High Ways; the Castries and Soufriere Harbour jobs too. St. Lucia be Blessed.

  3. Has St. Lucia been invited to the BRICS summit in South Africa this year?

    Or did the US squeeze Pip’s balls, and prevented him from even considering acceptance of any invitation?

  4. @ The Fox the Ass Jack…..Africa is a continent not a Caribbean Island you do know this right ??? I guess your are right Simpleton those “international scammers” Saudi Arabia is in Europe right next to Zelinksy and Putin,Dubai too. There is a coup in Nigir because they want to control their own natural resources their gold, their uranium, their silver, their diamonds, their bauxite, their oil and not have it stolen by the usual bandits France, The UK, and good ole’ Uncle Sam what the hell are they thinking they should be horse whip. If only St Lucia could have JUST ONE of these resources what a better country it would be. Africa has all the riches for the world ten times over that’s why your MASSA WILL NEVER LEAVE THERE and Mr. Chiney Man is doing whatever it takes to get in there for those minerals. Every electric car battery has what, every I phone has what ? Now which other Caribbean country has a mountain of this uranium but it has been stiffen off over the years by the same above bandits but they keep the masses poor and confuse for their own selfish gains

  5. Word on the streets just today is that the Africans have turned Jamaica into a scam haven. They are called yahoo boys in Nigeria. Rituals for so with live humans that they unalive. Jamaica had gang drugs problems long time. But now it’s that added to scam. This is spearheaded by Africans coming in huge numbers. They are also flooding new York as refugees. By the time they done, you black Caribbeans won’t left with a space as a black person. And they reproduce fast and nuff too. Anytime u in a neighbourhood overseas it’s easy to identify Africans versus diaspora blacks. 6 kids to parents. Before Pierre jump on this bandwagon he better learn one thing not all skin folk is kin folk. Culturally Africa is very different to the Caribbean whether one accepts it or not. Their women can’t speak up in the house, in laws in control. The whole shebang.

  6. @The most Dishonorable Lucian Lowgrade:- keep reprinting the e-mail your boss sent you, since you are the doormat to be stepped on when convenient. Keep singing for your dinner poor fellow, you need it.
    @ TANTO TANTO:- Thank you, I couldn’t have said it better. My long years in the U.K. where I learned first hand about West Africans, their way of life, mannerisms etc, was enough to warn some friends, yet some fell into the trap. Some of our girls schooled at SJC Convent School graduated with their ‘London Matriculation’ from decent homes, though it was a good catch marrying a student Doctor, Lawyer, Economist or something; they were taken with them to their home – never to be heard of again – other student friends told me, the norm for them is to have more than one wife, neither of them dare complain; Passport seized, can’t travel, with several kids what can you do.
    You haven’t seen anything yet. As bad as it is in LUCIA now, at least you are free; the little belly ache in V/Fort is hardly a prelude to what could be, when and if Nigerians are allowed access into business. Some have lots of money and have access to lots more Internationally but don’t let that fool you. St. Lucia is ripe for a take over.
    You better cherish the little freedom you have now, your little Tourism, lovely Jeremie Street Market and outdoor Street Markets, life is still worth living. Today Jamaica, tomorrow????? I pray daily to my Heavenly Father for my relatives to stay free of all corruption, at a time such as this for the set time is almost here. While they make Deals – ‘find the Lord’

  7. @FOR ST. LUCIA:- because of corruption; their fathers of yesteryear sold their own fit and healthy men and women to the white man to be used as slaves.


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