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WATCH: ‘Unprecedented Challenges’ Force Extension Of Saint Lucia Population Census


The Central Statistics Office has reported unprecedented challenges in completing the enumeration process for the National Population and Housing Census 2022.

The challenges include a lack of cooperation by the public and a high dropout rate of enumerators.

More in this Glen Simon report:

SOURCE: National Competitiveness and Productivity Council

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  1. Well I said this would be incomplete from the beginning. The statistics department choose a high majority of the worse persons in communities to collect confidential information from people. How did they expect the general public to cooperate. It was solely your fault. I wouldn’t give information to some of those gossippers that were going house to house. Mind you I cooperated with my enumerator because she is one of the few experienced ones that were kept by the department. You may have to go back to the old heads you overlooked in order to complete this census.

  2. Enumerators should know that all information shared with them should be confidential and not even shared with household members fearless the public. I was an enumerator and did my work in a professional manner . Not everyone ppl label as gossipers are really gossipers. One of the problem in Stlucia now is that everything is politics and before u get to the people they are already seeing you as red or yellow. The public needs to firstly be assured that this is not a political assignment. Secondly they need to be told why such an excercise is being done and its importance. If such a stance is taken then I guarantee the enumerators that the same person who began in a hostile manner will calm down and cooperate. Enumerators attitude during that process says a lot .you need to excercise patience, calmness and reassurance that their information is safe with u. Trust is earned not given. Peace and love

  3. These people are not trained. The government does nothing for st lucians and come into your home asking for very detailed and intimate information. A census should be about numbers, not asking the name of every single person in the house and what they do. This is unprofessional. so offcourse you not gonna get cooperation. people’s names and where they live is not your business. You need to know for example; 6 people live here and the no. in employment. thats it. This is not a census being conducted. this is minding people business and an invasion of privacy. no wonder they running behind them. Those census takers must be made to understand what is their business and what is not. And these are two things: no of people living there and no. in full time work. END OF!

  4. We have always had a census count so what happened this time around. Total incompetence. First of all the enumerators worked and struggled to get paid …. even the little allowances to allow them to so the work wasn’t issue to pay them. Too much halay cassay for a little stipend because those involved at totally clueless….. that is the maiin issue …..nothing more nothing less. Sean take responsibility and stop blaming people

  5. I hope all can go well with this census. I think we the only Caribbean Islands with all this roro. Its the land of roro and Gossip, and as one said Politics have divided the nation, and . There always viulgar comment under any live of politics or news, or entertainment. I know for sure when elections and the ministers doing house to house they dont face that problem

  6. Everything is going wrong with this government. Not even a census that we do every ten years can occur seamlessly. From lack of completion to lack of payment months after having worked. And as usual instead of being accountable and accepting responsibility, they pass the buck.

  7. @Enumerator, apparently you have just awaken from your long slumber or had your head buried in the sand or under a rock. Besides what the director clearly articulated as some of the main issues, party politics is undeniably now an issue that affects everything negatively in St. Lucia.

  8. It’s real shameful how we have allowed party politics to divide and caused us to be counter productive…What’s even more regretful is when the so called intellectuals allow politics to expose their ignorance… Sadly, this will continue for many more years, even generations if we don’t wise-up.

  9. I am from Marc Bexon and I partook in the census with my family and all went well. The census worker – a young man, was very professional. I hope you all are paying these people right


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