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SLP Youth Organisation Lauds Government’s Investments In Green Entrepreneurship

On the occasion of International Youth Day, the St Lucia Labour Party Youth Organisation (SLPYO) joins the global community in celebrating the remarkable potential and invaluable  contributions of young people towards building a more sustainable world.

This year’s theme, “Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World,” resonates strongly with our party’s commitment to fostering economic growth and sustainable development for the betterment of our nation.

The SLPYO recognizes the urgent need to address the environmental challenges that our generation faces, and we firmly believe that empowering young people with green skills is  a crucial step towards achieving a sustainable future.

We are proud to highlight the efforts of Labour Party government in providing funding and training opportunities to equip our  youth with the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute to our economic and  sustainable development goals.

 Under the visionary leadership of the our Prime Minister, significant investments have  been made in initiatives aimed at promoting green entrepreneurship, renewable energy,  sustainable agriculture, and environmental conservation.

These initiatives have not only  created employment opportunities but have also fostered a culture of innovation and  environmental stewardship among our young population.

 The government has prioritized funding for youth-led projects that focus on sustainable  practices, conservation, and the preservation of our natural resources.

Through these  initiatives, young people have been able to develop and implement innovative solutions to  mitigate climate change, reduce carbon emissions, and promote eco-friendly practices in  various sectors of our economy.

The SLPYO commends the government for its commitment to investing in the potential of  our youth and for recognizing them as key drivers of sustainable development.

We firmly  believe that by empowering young people with green skills, we are not only building a  sustainable future but also creating a pathway to economic prosperity and social equity.

On this International Youth Day, the St Lucia Labour Party Youth Organisation calls upon  all stakeholders, including government agencies, private sector entities, civil society organizations, and international partners, to continue supporting and investing in the development of green skills for our youth. Together, let us forge a sustainable world where young people are at the forefront of

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  1. And yet they expect people to vote for them come next election. Pay tu! Government only seems to recognize these organization only when it’s pertinent to them otherwise suck salt.

  2. This article lacks specific details. There are no examples of green economy initiatives. This is more like a paid promotional article. I was expecting to read about successful agricultural projects, fishing, chicken/ pork production, recycling initiatives. This is only a few. Please stop publishing long articles that lack critical information.


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