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Henry Cautions Against Celebrating Violence


On Friday, Saint Lucia launched an anti-crime programme with a call for citizens to take a stand against violence and not celebrate it in the things they post or share on social media.

Minister of Equity, Social Justice and Empowerment Joachim Henry made the call.

He spoke at the launch of the Crime and Violence Interruption Project.

Funded by the government, the initiative expects to guide youngsters toward opportunities for self-development and growth while reducing community violence.

Minister Henry said he was happy with the initiative.

He noted that crime and violence were not new to the society.

Nevertheless, he highlighted the need to speak out against them while noting that the media could also lend a voice in urging people to be peaceful with each other.

“In the context of this, I think it would go a long way as we add our voices to what is being done at the level of the Ministry, what the police is doing, what homes are trying, what communities are doing,” the Castries South East MP stated.

He said he often sees people recording the wrong things that are happening rather than seizing an opportunity to say ‘Stop it’.

“And these days sensationalism, whether it is happening in Alabama. We get excited about violence in every form and even when we believe that it is justified then we lose our humanity and celebrate violence in one form but it comes back to hit us another time,” Henry said.

“All forms of violence is not good and we should echo this and not make it more sexy,” the Minister declared.

In this regard, Henry said when something is ugly, people should not post and share it on social media because they would add to the violence.

The Crime and Violence Interruption Programme launched on Friday has three components.

They include the Basic Life and Employability Skills Training and Job Placement component that began on August 8 and will end on October 20.

That component aims to empower vulnerable youngsters with personal and professional development skills.

It plans to equip fifteen at-risk individuals aged 18-29 from Gros Islet, Castries Central, Vieux Fort and Anse La Raye Canaries with life, conflict-resolution, decision-making, job interview, and other skills.

In addition, a series of Positive Parenting Workshops will begin in November 2023, and a Mentorship Programme for At-Risk Youth in October 2023.

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  1. Like when a certain individual turned Minister stormed into a church to confront an opponent during the “Sabbath” no less and instead of denouncing such behaviour and taking this as a learning opportunity to encourage proper conflict resolution, the entire party machinery “Stood with said Minister” on Facebook and elsewhere. NOW this is the same individual and party telling ME and other youth about proper conflict resolution. How Rich!

    But this is what happens when a win at all cost and admit no wrong mentality was adopted to win an elections and even now although in power a protect the victory at all costs mindset is currently being “perpetrated”

  2. Curbing violence must include banning artists with violent lyrics from coming here. Over the years, I have observed quite a few of those characters touring fair Helen. They don’t add any positive value to an already volatile situation. Issues like violence deserve a full court press. All hands on deck.

  3. man it’s sad but true that some people are happy with crime because they use it for political milage

  4. Absolutly beautiful initiative. I pray that it is successful and more at risk youth will benefit from this project in the future. May Saint Lucians support this postitve step to preserving the next generation.

  5. i regret voting for this joker, i would love to ask him what has he done for Castries South East since being the MP.

  6. Hear who’s talking. Ha ha ha . Has he forgotten the saying “practice what you preach”.

  7. Was he and his wife the ones who invaded a church to go and attack his opponent and the entire crooked comrades say they supported and stand with him, de ban hypocrite.

  8. 15 young people from 5 communities?My elementary math says that equates to 3 youngsters per community.

    More die each time on average than that number.

    Is this a joke?

    Yet you can give national trust seven hundred thousand, an organization with multiple potential revenue streams, if they get off their lazy leach
    a**es and become creative. Parasites!

    You can find five hundred thousand US dollars to spend half a year in Dubai with nothing to show at the end but 15 young vulnerable youth from a population of over 180,000.

    Stupid is what stupid is…
    Poor Jab Peirre=JPJ; Pierre Jus Pas-

  9. Over the months I’ve been reading comments especially when it comes to crime and I am flabbergasted at the choice of words, celebrating the worst for St Lucians because of party affiliation. St Lucia it’s WE THE PEOPLE. It’s not about RED, YELLOW OR GREEN.
    Can u believe we live in st lucia and we wishing the worst. I’ve never 👎 ever in my life hear of such CRUELTY

  10. Well, well, well see who is speaking; isn’t that the man who chased his political opponent – where – inside a Church? who is the one politicizing crime? certainly not the one who escaped or else guess what would happen? of all the Ministers, why choose him to speak.

  11. Re Henry’s, He is preaching slave mentality Delusional thinking..he is one that helps to keep the Slave wages intact…. Why wouldn’t any of the politicians try to establish a fair living wage system of $10+ per hour based on every hour worked to everyone?
    How stupid can you be by venting your frustrations in a spiritual Dwelling?
    Is he serious?
    Asking for a friend..

  12. @Cautious you are correct – Lucians need to come together for the common good of the island. Folk are literally disliking each other because of their political affiliation – nothing can be accomplished when there is division and confusion in any camp – wake up people – it’s 2023 – put ignorance aside.


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