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CXC Concerned Over Mobile Telephone Use During Exams


The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC), citing 2023 exam irregularities, has voiced concern over mobile telephone use and the introduction of smart watches.

“CXC Director of Operations Dr. Nicole Manning described cellular telephone use as one of the organisation’s biggest issues.

Manning spoke at a news conference releasing the 2023 CXC examination results last week.

“Candidates this year took cellular phones, used cellular phones in the exam not only to have them in their bags but literally on their persons and utilising it,” the CXC official disclosed.

“We have also seen the introduction of the smart watches,” Manning said, adding it represented another concern.

The CXC official revealed that her organisation was undertaking a full regulations review to ensure all those devices are also noted.

And she said the CXC would share the information with stakeholders.

Manning explained that irregularities result in the cancellation of a candidate’s results.

“If it is that the candidates repeatedly carry out the behaviour they can lose everything,” she stated.


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  1. Well in this case you invigilators are soft cause in my days for 2003 you could not use any cell phone PERIOD and if you did they would immediately take your exam paper and throw you out the room which is an automatic fail.

  2. How is this possible when there are invigilators in the room. Invigilators cannot be on their phones during this time, but always be alert. I must ask, are the invigilators sleeping during this time.

  3. Train the invigilators on what their roles are. And they should be a penalty when they do not comply.


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