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Police Charge Gros Islet Man With Possession Of Air Pistol

On Friday, August 25, 2023, about 2:30 a.m, the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force conducted a search operation in the Gros-Islet community.

The purpose of this operation was to act on intelligence, to combat a spate of robberies and other incidence that has plagued the town of Gros-Islet.

Police Officers obtained and executed a Warrant to Search for property on the premises of twenty-two (22) year-old Allan Henry, also known as “AJ,” of St. John   Street, Gros-Islet.

During the search, Officers discovered and seized one air pistol. An air pistol is a type of air gun that uses compressed air to shoot projectiles.

Allan Henry has since been charged for Possession of an Air Pistol, contrary to section 22 (3) of Firearms Act chapter 14.12 of the Revised Laws of Saint Lucia 2013, as amended by Section 10 of the Firearm Amendment Act No. 18 of 2022.

He was subsequently presented before the Magistrate’s Court for bail, and bail was set at two thousand five hundred (XCD2500.00) Eastern Caribbean Dollars, Land Documents or Suitable Surety.

The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force is committed to ensuring the safety and security of every community.

We will continue take all reports of crime and incidents seriously and work diligently to investigate and bring those responsible to justice.

We encourage anyone with information about criminal activity to come forward and speak with us.

Alternatively, you can provide an anonymous tip to us by dialling the number 555. Together, we can make our communities a safer place for all.

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force 

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