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WATCH: Saint Lucia Implements Mosquito Fogging At Schools In Battle Against Dengue Fever

Saint Lucia’s Department of Environmental Health, as part of proactive measures to keep dengue fever at bay, has implemented fogging of school compounds ahead of the resumption of classes on Monday, September 4, 2023.

We hear more in this Julita Peter report:

SOURCE: Ministry of Health

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  1. The whole of st lucia needs fogging not only in schools .mos..for years the island has been infested with sandflies that are a menace to us from north to south ..

  2. @Chris ….. there are ways to combat annoying mosquitoes and sand flies. I don’t need to tell you that; when there is the “information highway” which a lot of us use all the time. As for me, I have found white vinegar is THE BEST deterrent / insect repellent for sand flies and mosquitoes. The commercial mats and coils are killers. There are also certain leaves when crushed or burned are excellent insect repellants. Do your homework, and stop complaining. Also follow the Min of Health calls for keeping around your house clean and free of stagnant water …. the solutions are all there.


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