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RSLPF Investigates Fatal Collision In Dennery


On Wednesday, September 6, 2023, about 8:40 a.m, the Dennery Police Station received a report of a collision involving an ambulance at Hospital Road, Dennery.

The Officers proceeded to the scene of the accident to provide assistance.

Upon arrival at the scene, the Police Officers observed that an ambulance, had veered off the road, down a slight slope and collided with a house.

The ambulance’s front end was lodged into the house’s concrete wall, leaving the driver confined within the front section of the vehicle. Initial efforts to rescue the driver from the vehicle were unsuccessful.

Preliminary investigations revealed that, when the collision occurred, the ambulance was conveying a patient, namely Aubrey William, a seventy-nine-year-old (79) resident of Denierre Riviere, Dennery to the Dennery Hospital, accompanied by his daughter.

There were a total of four persons on-board, including the ambulance driver.

The operator of the ambulance was eventually rescued, and was conveyed to the Dennery Hospital for medical treatment and is reported to be in a stable condition.

The two other occupants who sustained injuries were conveyed to medical facilities for care and are reported to be in stable conditions.

Aubrey William later succumbed to his injuries, and was pronounced dead by a medical practitioner.

Investigations into this matter are ongoing.

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  1. May the word of God be bless through our lives ❗
    The sting of death is sin, but, the power of sin is the law ; but thanks to be our GOD ❗
    He gave the victory through our LORD Jesus Christ ❗
    When we practices the word of God (the true and holy bible,and follow what its pages say :
    Its adds lenght to our life, a good medecin,and a remedy for the bones and muscles…
    A happier life, everyday begins with new ideas, good thought (positive)and a very good behavior…
    With God you are always on time ❗


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