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Saint Lucian Mother Threatened With Deportation From Martinique Without Her Baby


A young Saint Lucian mother faces possible deportation from Martinique without her two-month-old baby, according to a local news report.

RCI.FM, which carried the story, said the young mother wished to remain anonymous.

According to the online publication, the young Saint Lucian has been trying to regularize her situation since May.

But the publication said because of an incomplete file, Martinique authorities have ordered her to return to Saint Lucia, leaving her daughter, who is French, behind.

The woman’s lawyer, identified as Camille Célénice, told RCI.FM that her client received oral information regarding her status in Martinique.

However, the lawyer said her client was not obligated to leave the French-speaking Island.

“If we recognize that her child is of French nationality, as a mother, she has a vocation to stay in the territory,” the Attorney at Law explained.

On the advice of her lawyer, the young Saint Lucian mother plans to stay in Martinique while seeking to regularise her status.

The mother explained that she is willing to return to Saint Lucia.

But not without her daughter.

Saint Lucians are believed to comprise the largest immigrant group living in Martinique, followed by Haitians.

However, while some Saint Lucians legally reside on the Island, Martinique law enforcement officials are concerned about those who arrive illegally in small boats.

Law enforcement officials are also known to be concerned about the involvement of illegal immigrants  from Saint Lucia in serious crimes, in several instances aided and abetted by Martinique nationals.

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  1. Martinique is well know to be racist to outsiders. I don’t see the problem everyone needs to survive and if your country was in the same situation as others your people would do the same

  2. If the mother do not have a carte de séjour, before giving birth,or both parents are St Lucians not naturalized, if the father is a french national and does not sign ✍️ the father’s title (surname)… The race is not to the Swift

  3. One can easily established that the news headline differs from the real facts. And that’s not a big issue, what may have caused the core problem here is her police record which also might have play the major role in her obtaining for obvious reasons. One must not look what happens on top of the water because the situation below can be so different. Her lawyer seems to be doing a good job and don’t let it spin out of control.

  4. How do say “build the wall” in french? Just another reason to be embarrassed about my country, that list in getting longer by the day


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