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Police Seek Public Assistance In Capturing Escaped Convict

Saint Lucia police have appealed to the public for information leading to the capture of a convict who escaped from the Bordelais Correctional Facility (BCF) farm Sunday.

The police have identified the escapee as Elwin Lansiquot, alias ‘Big Dude’ or ‘La Por Ta’.

Lansiquot was incarcerated for rape, resulting from an incident in September 2006 and was serving a 20-year sentence.

His escape has prompted a massive search involving police officers and the police.

Lansiquot is originally from Anse La Raye-Canaries, but the BCF said his last known address was Riverside Road, Canaries.

According to the police, the fifty-five-year-old has a scar on the left side of his face.

The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force has asked anyone with information regarding his whereabouts to contact the nearest police station or the crime hotline at 555 for anonymous reporting.’

It was not immediately clear how Lansiquot escaped and what security measures were in place while he was at the BCF farm.

But one official, speaking anonymously, said the inmate was put to work on the farm because he was considered ‘low risk’.

His escape has generated a wave of unease among residents in the vicinity of the BCF.

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  1. anyone can be low risk once they have their plan set in motion. the boys at BTC are at what risk I would ask. the girls at uptown are at what risk? one would think the BCF would be more high-level security than that of these children detention centers. yet still the public has demonized BTC. throwing verbal stones at the security there and yet still ppl are escaping BCF and no one is batting an eye, and this is not the first escapee. we need to do something about the laid-back attitude of these places and the lack of proper security measures for these facilities.

  2. The fool had already spent 90% of the allotted time in the den and couldn’t wait another two years to be free without fear but instead risks spending a lot more time in the slammer. Please report his whereabouts to the authorities because lives are at stake. A desperate man is an unpredictable man .

  3. The Minister responsible should be fired; that should teach the next one to pay a closer attention to his/her Ministry. Since she took over this Ministry, two murderers have escaped, not for working outside of their cells, but from inside of their prison cells with Police all around. How was the first one find himself back in Jamaica before being caught again. The second one Police said, just walked out and took off running, not having been caught. The Jamaicans are not that stupid, they holding the first one tight.
    Dr Horace Chang former chairman of the Council for National Security & Law enforcement announced his retirement from that position – PjP was quick to apply for the job, then what happened? was it/is it too hot to handle? is he still in the job? now he is at the U.N. to talk about Climate change – the only change should be at home in the Ministry of National Security. Let Wisdom reign – the LORD reigns.
    @ fire fox – may I most humbly say, in love & brotherhood, there’s only one Fox here, so let’s not try to complicate things here – I love you brother, in JESUS name.

  4. One key statement is missing from this article “anyone caught harboring Mr Lancicot will be charged, may be jailed and/or fined”. A current photo should be taken of each prisoner every 3 years.
    Now, how is that perimeter secured? Is there an 8-10’ fence with barbed wire on top? Is the fence set to electrocute slightly (not to kill, but to deter)?How many guards were present and at what location on the farm? Do you have a K-9 unit? Why wasn’t a K-9 dog with an officer posted on the farm? Could this be an inside job?
    Lessons learned: A prisoner will always be a prisoner once he is still in jail. His motive is always how do I escape. His planning and strategy is always to implement best behavior and good conduct. Bottom line: Never trust a prisoner. I think our prison officials have been outsmarted.

  5. The first step would be to ensure that the rape victim & family is under 24 hour protection at this time. Now, please find the rapist before it’s too late – @proud vieux fortian – you are spot on “Why would a RAPIST be considered low risk” ????????????


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