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Suspected Drowning Victim Had Big Dreams

Suspected drowning victim Cornnie Baptiste had big dreams and should have started a job this week to earn cash to further his education.

The disclosure came from his older sister, Lorna Baptiste.

Lorna told St. Lucia Times that her 18-year-old brother graduated from the Anse Ger Secondary School this year.

He died on Sunday in Anse Ger, Micoud.

His sister recalled that their mother and other relatives had tried to persuade Cornnie not to go to Canelles Beach that day.

But according to reports, he went to collect whelks or ‘bwigo’ and encountered difficulty.

“I heard that when he was trying to get out of the water, he got knocked down by a wave,” Lorna said.

Cornnie fell and is said to have injured himself.

“One of the friends came to try to help him, but then he kept saying he felt weak. He doesn’t have the strength. So the friend went to try and get help,” Lorna said she learned.

However, when the friend returned, Cornnie had disappeared.

Lorna said she would miss everything about her brother.

She recalled that the deceased was the family’s mobile telephone technician, fixing devices that had developed issues.

Lorna described her brother as having been quiet and funny.

The Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) said at about 5:20 pm, Micoud Fire Station personnel responded to a suspected drowning report at Canelles.

On arrival, the responders learned that an individual in distress was submerged in the water.

“With the assistance of local divers, the body of the young man was recovered and subsequently transported to the St. Jude Hospital,” SLFS spokeswoman Stacy Joseph said.

A medical practitioner at the hospital pronounced him dead.

Joseph said the fire department wished to thank Anse Ger community members, who risked their lives to assist in the emergency mission.

“We are truly grateful for your valiant efforts and your spirit of community,” the SLFS Communications Officer stated.



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  1. Lord have mercy; It is indeed very sad that a promising young Lad, with hopes of furthering his education is lost – LORD, WILL YOU TELL US ‘WHY’ – the good ones are taken away and the ‘Gang Bangers’ are left behind to carry out their selfish & evil deeds.
    But God is merciful; who knows while it isn’t & may never be revealed yet, that behind the dark shadows walks some evil intents, as has been done before, to catch this one into their Net of evil ways (steal & kill) WILL SOMEBODY TELL HIS FAMILY, HE IS SAFE WHERE HE IS
    Revelations 21: 3,4. God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;
    and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall
    there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.

    These are indeed consoling testimonies to all families in grief. The evil Spirits that is passing through St. Lucia right now, did not originate here, but the ones who sought the powers of the evil one to provide them with victory and power will soon pay: The ones with the faith & trust in the Lord shall survive to see the goodness of the Lord: keep trusting.

  2. boy the number of people who lost their lives trying to collect bwigo that not even good to eat uh and people dying for that. choops. asiay leave that In the water . that’s suppose to be cleaning up the sea why you’ll going for that. they say whenever you go and collect that the sea spirits trying to kill you ee

  3. I have no connection to the family of this young man,my heart broke reading the story condolences to the family rest in perfect peace young man so sad

  4. I don’t know why but if you say “lay lay bwigo bwigo, the calm see suddenly gets rough when hunting for bwigo. Who’s done it, knows it. It’s very dangerous hunting among the rocks near the coastline, when the seas are rough. One’s body (head) can easily get banged on the rocks and from there, survival depends on the magnitude of the impact and the part of the body affected.


  6. children please listen to your parents, if he had listened and stayed home when asked he would have been alive today to accomplish his big dreams

  7. Our only comfort in time of sorry 💜😭
    GOD :
    But woe to the earth and the sea, because the 🐍 devil has gone down to you ❗
    He is full with fury, because he knows that his time is short and has been condemn ⚖️to the eternal 🔥 fire
    Therefore watch and pray !
    But no one takes heed ❓
    One day the angels of the LORD came to present themselves before the LORD, and 🐍 Satan also came with them..
    The LORD said to satan, “Where have you come from ❓
    Satan answered the LORD, “from roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it”..
    On another day the angels come to present themselves before the LORD and satan also come with them to present himself before him…
    “A voice is heard in Ramah,weeping 😭and great 💜mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to comfort they are no more”
    As it written, for God is not a man to lie : Rachel will receive back her dead…
    But to those who are qualified,and thanks to the promise of God through the prediction of Hebrews :
    Mothers will receive back their dead who has not yet know evil..
    Women receive back their dead,raised to life again,so that they might gain a better résurrection, while others tortured and refuse release…

  8. We could always pray for our children every day no matter their don’t listen to use . for God to protect them every day of they life when can’ heart broking that my friend son and my son friend had to lose his life like this. All the good ones are going. God please protect the young ones.


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