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WATCH: SLTU President Concerned Over Workplace Abuse


The President of the Saint Lucia Teachers Union (SLTU) has expressed concern over workplace abuse in a message marking World Teachers’ Day.

“Workplace abuse or bullying within the education system is a growing concern,” Don Howell stated.

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), workplace bullying includes verbal abuse and violence.

“This is a serious matter that must be addressed at all levels,” the SLTU President asserted.

“Teachers must not be subjected to bullying or any form of abuse from the employer or their representatives,” Howell declared.

He said the SLTU would not tolerate such behaviour.

Howell  also continued to advocate for raising the status of teachers.

“Teachers are able and must be allowed to participate in the decision-making processes within the education system,” he said.

However, the SLTU President recalled many times, there were efforts to sideline teachers and their professional views.

He decried a top-down, archaic approach based on colonial philosophies which would only retard the education system.

Howell’s complete address appears below:


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  1. Here’s that word again. What about workplace abuse at hospitals, and the cover-ups involved at the upper levels? Any one “concerned” about that? Long history and ongoing, believe that!

  2. All work places and spaces should be free from abuse and in addition should be governed by operating policies and procedures. No one should be abused in the workplace or anyplace even if they are a janitor – everyone contributes and should be respected accordingly.

  3. Where have you been living Mr, people have gotten so use to work place abuse we don’t even talk about it anymore so I guess it’s a slow news day


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