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Soufriere Are Undisputed Champions In Blackheart Football Tournament

Soufriere won its first Blackheart Knockout Football Championship title with an emphatic victory over defending champions Dennery 2-0, at the Daren Sammy Cricket Ground
[DSCG], last Saturday.

It was a feat that had eluded the Western Coast team on two previous occasions in 2009 and 2012 as a finalist, and this time, players, fans, and the technical unit all savoured sweet victory.

Soufriere’s head coach Nehemiah Jean declared that the players were eager for that victory and he urged them to go all out “stick to the plan” and play their game.

Skipper William Cenac was pivotal in the offense, and he literally led from the front playing the role of a lone striker up field, spreading the ball and getting the players involved, while
maintaining a cool composure.

And what an impact he had on the game to give his team the lead from as early as the 1st minute, and there was no turning back as Soufriere sought to stamp their authority on the game.

Antoine Welman stepped up the pace soon after the interval, to send his side 2-up in the 51’.

Dennery too, had their chances on goal but were denied by a stout and robust defense and good goal-keeping saves.

At times, it appeared that the ‘Gods’ were with Soufriere, especially towards the latter session of play as Dennery became more desperate in their hunt for a goal as they came perilously close to netting, but that goal search eventually eluded them right to the

It was sweet revenge for Soufriere who had previously lost to Dennery in a final, and this time, nothing stood in their way as they took home the coveted championship title prize.

In last Saturday’s match, Soufriere strode out bubbling over with confidence and the vocal support from their fans reverberating across the grounds.

While noting that the team consisted of several young players from 16 to 17 years old, Jean spoke of the team’s determination and zeal to make it right this time.

He told sports journalists that he had been a player on the team on two previous occasions in 2009 and 2012 when the team made it as a finalist, and he urged the squad to go all-out  for victory.

Describing the unit as a “very young team” that competed in the tournament and made it to the finals, Jean asserted: “We had our plans, we stuck to the plan and we fought right to the end …these players always do the best for us and I’m happy for them,” he said.

Added Jean: “I told the players that I have been to the Blackheart finals, twice as a player …and I told them that this time we are not going down without that cup and we were able to get the victory.”

At the post-match awards presentation, the following individuals were recognized:

– Tournament MVP / Most Goals – William Cenac
– Young Player of the Tournament – Eymani Butcher
– MVP Finals – Tornelle Nicolas

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