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Police Question Female Cop Regarding Gun In A Barrel At Vieux Fort


Police questioned a female police officer on Tuesday after Customs Officers discovered a gun while clearing a barrel at Port Vieux Fort.

According to reports, the Customs Officers found the firearm as the young woman from the South of the Island cleared the barrel.

The reports indicated that the gun was among the goods in the container.

There are no further details at present.


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  1. Hope to hear from Madam Poyotte among other things pending a comment from her. This is a luck and chance for the immigration. Apparently one of the officers did not get the memo and so this one showed up.

    Are we going t hear from Virginia about this one ? Asking for a friend.

  2. was the gun found inside the barrel or what. what conflicting information is that the gun was among the goods in the container ? smh and you wonder how so many illegal guns getting in the country here are some answers. to say it was part of the good in the container is already giving the defendant a way out .

  3. Since 1997, our country has faced serious challenges under the SLP leadership. In 1996, the homicide rate was just around 8 per year, but by 2002, it had surged to 40 per year, a staggering 400% increase. The Debt to GDP Ratio also skyrocketed during this time, with little benefit to the country. The SLP government has been in power for 4 out of the last 6 terms and shares responsibility for these issues due to their failed policies. You can verify these facts with a quick online search for “macrotrends Saint Lucia murder rate chart.” It’s time to get informed and take action. Let’s rally and urge our government representatives to do better, embracing proven strategies that can steer us toward a brighter future.


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