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Storm Watch Likely For Saint Lucia As Tropical Storm Tammy Forms In the Atlantic


On Wednesday, Tropical Storm Tammy formed in the Atlantic, triggering storm watches in Barbados, Dominica, Martinique, and Guadeloupe.

The Saint Lucia Meteorological Services, which is monitoring the weather system, expects Saint Lucia to issue a watch on Thursday.

Director Andre Joyeux told St. Lucia Times that Tammy is a concern since the forecast track is somewhere between Saint Lucia and Antigua.

“There is a wide area of uncertainty,” Joyeux explained.

He said feeder bands could affect the Island late Friday even if the weather system does not pass directly over Saint Lucia.

Joyeux urged residents to monitor Tammy and be vigilant.

He said there is uncertainty regarding the storm’s direction, intensity and forward speed.

Joyeux said although some of the Islands had issued storm watches, Saint Lucia had adopted a wait-and-see approach, as some models show the weather system will slow down.

As a result, he disclosed that the Met Office would continue monitoring and likely issue a Tropical Storm watch on Thursday morning.

Joyeux and other Meteorological Services Directors in the Islands held a virtual meeting Wednesday with representatives of the National Hurricane Center.

The first such meeting discussed Tropical Storm Tammy, preparedness, and issuing storm watches and warnings.

According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC), Tammy was 625 miles east of the Windward Islands.

The storm was moving west at 23 mph.

The NHC expected Tammy to turn west-northwest by Thursday night and northwest by Friday or Saturday, with its centre passing near or over the Leeward Islands over the weekend.

Headline photo: Tammy’s forecast track.

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  1. Well Saint Lucia is outside of the forecast cone and Barbados, Martinique, Dominica and Guadeloupe already have storm watches so go figure.

  2. @Oh Really … SLU will still be affected by stormy conditions, as well as St Vincent and some of the Grenadines. Have you seen the SIZE of “T.S. Tammy”? We WILL get a bit of it, but not as hard as the northern Windwards and Leeward Islands.

  3. @IS, Yes Tammy is getting stronger and I agree with you. Was just pointing out that we are not going to get any storm watches in St Lucia.


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