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Three Hospitalised After Separate Incidents Involving Motorcycle Crash, Stabbing


Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) emergency crews transported three men to the OKEU Hospital after a motorcycle crash Friday afternoon and a stabbing Friday night in Castries.

Friday’s motorcycle accident occurred at about 3:00 p.m. at Balata, Castries.

Two men on the motorcycle sustained injuries after it ran off the road.

Both were conveyed to the OKEU Hospital.

On Friday night, SLFS emergency personnel learned of a stabbing on Jeremie Street, Castries, at about 10:00 pm and transported a man to the OKEU Hospital.

The circumstances surrounding the stabbing were not immediately apparent.

(Story updated to reflect correct day of incidents)

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  1. St lucia news has just changed it to Friday night, obviously someone noticed their mistake 🙄

  2. So allu blind or what 6 and 7 running the place so the circumstances should be immediately apparent


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