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Martinique Reports Continuing Dengue Fever Spike

Health authorities in Martinique have reported a continuing spike in dengue fever, with an average of 800 cases a week for the past three weeks.

In August this year, the French-speaking Caribbean Island had declared a dengue fever epidemic.

Martinique 1 Ere, quoting the Regional Health Agency, said to date, the Island had recorded fourteen serious cases.

The number included six deaths.

As a result, health officials have urged residents to be vigilant and take preventative measures.

A sudden onset of fever accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms characterises dengue fever :

  • headache
  • joint and/or muscle pain
  • feeling of great fatigue
  • Rashes

Martinique health officials have urged residents to protect themselves from mosquito bites, eliminate breeding grounds, and immediately seek medical attention if they experience symptoms.

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