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‘Jaunty One Life To Live Celebration’ Planned For La Clery

The life and music of Cultural Icon and Martin “Jaunty” Regis will come into focus during activities to pay respect to his legendary life and contribution to entertainment and the calypso art form.

The legacy of the late cultural icon will be celebrated over a two day period within his home community of La Clery, Castries.

The event which is entitled: “Jaunty One Life to Live Celebration” will be staged on Saturday, November, 25th and Sunday, November, 26th, 2023.

The celebration will feature his funeral service at the La Clery Playing Field and burial on Saturday, 25th November commencing at 2:00pm.

The funeral service will be presided over by Monsignor Dr. Patrick Anthony. Following the funeral service a procession led by drummers will proceed to the burial at the Choc Cemetery.

The following day, Sunday, 26th, November will be the Grand National celebration event for Jaunty at the La Clery Playing Field.

This final send-off event will feature two football matches followed by a celebration concert to pay tribute to the cultural icon.

The concert will take the form of artistic expressions through: music, poetry, dance, spoken word and other creative avenues.

A nine (9) member Planning Committee has been put in place to formulate an implementation plan for the successful execution of the two day celebration of the Life of National Cultural Icon, Martin “Jaunty” Regis. The committee comprises:

Darnley Lebourne – Chairperson.
Kariyma Regis – Jaunty’s Daughter (Family Rep).
Shady Yorke – DJ Flex – Jaunty’s Son
Gilroy ‘Ezi’ Hall – Executive Director – Ezi’s Entertainment 758
Ignatius Tyson aka Papa Vader – Veteran Calypsonian
Embert Charles – Folk Research Centre
Caron Tobierre – Executive Director – Kay Kweyol
Drenia Frederick – Cultural Development Foundation
Tyrone Harris  – Cultural Development Foundation

The nine (9) person Committee comprises individuals and Agency representatives that are all experienced and oriented in event management and cultural industry.

The work of the Committee will be guided by the overall plan formulated by Jaunty’s family.

The family is insistent that the entire event should be undertaken in a spirit of positivity and celebration.

All residents of La Clery and St Lucians in general are called upon to join the family and friends in celebrating the life of Martin “Jaunty” Regis.

SOURCE: Jaunty One Life To Live Celebration Planning Committee


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