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‘Use The Roads Wisely’ – Saint Lucia Observes Road Safety Awareness Month


Saint Lucia has joined the rest of the world in observing November as Road Safety Awareness Month.

In a message for the occasion, the Permanent Secretary in the Department of Infrastructure Ports and Transport, Lenita Joseph, explained that despite global interventions, safe road use remains a serious public health concern.

“Use the roads wisely,” Joseph advised.

Her remarks came amid a spike in road accidents in Saint Lucia.

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  1. Mam I would love to stay on my lane , but man there are some creators in the road, I know spare business must make money but we looking to make them millionaires . I have never seen so man people on the side changing tyres and damage suspension in Dennery portion of road below the barre D’isle . Who ever need to hear it . Road works north bound micoud that need proper sign indicators and possibly bright neon colour for night. Yo we in 2023 we still have tell them that

  2. “Use the roads wisely,” Joseph advised. Ms. Joseph you make a good point in the above statement.

    However, the roads and some sidewalks are also deplorable and could also be a contributing factor to some accidents and incidents. May I suggest that you and the administration make this project a priority. Thank you.

  3. That’s All u can say Use the Roads Wisely. U talking from the Authority point of view. What does that mean? Some of those people who drive at 7:30 am, 2 mph are in my opinion not using the roads wisely. Your statement leaves to much room for opinion. I mean analyse OUR road safety issue not the world road safety issue and let’s address it. SMH. Do u all even hv a prgram of activities planned or anything. Just a Statement.

  4. Very well said ma’am….but sometimes senior level government workers tend to sound like you were being forced to observe those international days of recognition..just to ✔️ a box by the UN or some other hypocritical body! Why isn’t making safe roads for users a primary focus for ” road safety awareness month?” The potholes, poor signage, poor road construction traffic management, substandard designs in roads, reactive approach to road infrastructure maintainence, lack of road safety training and capacity among ministry staff….etc etc. This ministry of Infrastructure doesn’t know how important it is for economic development…square pegs in pentagonal holes!

  5. Permanent secretary, I would say you were being sarcastic or even tongue in cheek when you tell Saint Lucians to use the roads wisely. Because given that the roads are in such a deplorable state, people indeed have to use the roads wisely…trou pas ici, trou pas la, getaway ça en trou à.. that seems to me people are using the roads wisely based on the obstacle course they have to navigate….using the road wisely as in avoiding portholes that can accommodate the Caribbean sea…so why don’t your department come up with a plan to improve road safety on the island…for example, charge the construction companies for shoddy work or unsafe engineering ..I guarantee you, they will suddenly give you a better product…if you want people to use the roads wisely, first give them the road quality for them to do so…. fixing the roads are a place to start… secondly, Saint Lucia is a mountainous region, therefore roads should have signage that guides road users safety… thirdly, implement a vehicle safety check yearly for all vehicle owners… vehicles that are not road worthy are just as bad as terrible roads…there is much your department can do to make roads safer for all….

  6. Which road?! The last time i checked the roads in st.lucia are not vehicle worthy.How can i use the road wisely when after every conner on the highway is a pothole and numerous patches which are just as rough and bumpy as a pothole.
    What is the money the government collects from the fuel tax and the $225 road tax per vehicle being used for? People don’t eat roads but with the current condition of our roads we have money to buy food to eat. we need roads ASAP


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