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Sick,’ ‘Blue’ And A Juvenile Male Among Individuals Charged With Courts Burglary

On Thursday, November 9, 2023 about 4:00am, Officers attached to the Criminal Investigations Department (C.I.D.) in Castries, received a report of a Burglary at Courts, located on Chaussee Road, Castries.

The officers acted swiftly and detained four male suspects, including one juvenile, thereby preventing the burglary from continuing.

Consequently, the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force executed several search warrants in the Wilton’s Yard community, during the initial phase of the investigation.

Upon executing the search warrants, the investigators recovered a diverse array of items, including an illegal firearm and a quantity of cocaine, which were subsequently seized.

On Saturday, November 11, 2023, investigators filed the following charges against the arrested persons:

Twenty-four (24) year-old Delbert Martial of Wilton’s Yard, Castries, and Twenty-seven (27) year-old Chè Polius alias “Sick” of Monchy, Gros-Islet, were charged for the offence of Burglary.

Following their court appearances, they were both remanded to the Bordelais Correctional Facility.

Twenty-seven (27) year-old Devaughn Jn Charles, alias “Blue” of Morne Du Don, Castries, was charged for the offence of Burglary, and was granted bail in the sum of ten thousand (XCD10000.00) dollars cash, or suitable surety, including other bail conditions.

The male juvenile from Castries, also received a charge of Burglary; following his court appearance, he was remanded to a juvenile detention facility.

On Sunday, November 12, 2023, twenty-four (24) year-old Amy Albertinie of Rose Hill, Castries, was charged for Possession of Controlled Drugs and Handling Stolen Goods.

When brought before the Magistrate’s Court, bail was granted in the sum of nine thousand (XCD9000.00) dollars, cash or suitable surety, including other bail conditions.

The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force is encouraging individuals of interest to come forward and report themselves to the Criminal Investigations Department.

The police force will utilize every legal method available to ensure that these suspects are arrested and prosecuted.

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force

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  1. When will these charges ever go to trial?
    I will bet my bottom dollar it will take about 10 years before they reach trial.
    Prove me wrong.

  2. I dont know but I see the other Islands posting photos of charge people for the crime, and here in St,Lucia I never see any photo. . Where are the news reporters, no one seems to give a dam about that now, we dont even see them from the court house, I guess all the reporters seem to follow PJP and Chastenet only

  3. Che , why U chose to lime with them neg mawohs,U go inside deh for stealing ,U still go back and take cocaine to do de same shate?, your mom is hurting bad bad,she raised you good

  4. The real issue here is the age group involved in these crimes. Young men in their 20s and younger. We have systemic problem is St.Lucia and if not addressed soon will bring our entire nation down.

  5. Coke and crack are very addictive and consumers will do anything to sustain the habit. Our system is too lenient on criminals and therefore encourages criminality. If the powers that be were serious about discouraging criminality, they would post pictures of criminals like Dominica and elsewhere does, triple the bail amounts, lengthen jail time and set lengthy probation periods after spending time in jail. Jail birds should be made to work for the food and accommodations they receive. Make they clean the gutters all around the island and the weeds on our beaches. They should be keeping our parks clean. We need to change the approach otherwise it might get too late.

  6. In vieux all they do is sell stolen food for the women to sell by the road side . The women are giving them 5 dollars for a bunch of plantain and green figs to buy crack cocaine for them to smoke if you see the amount of grown ass men who use the La Ressource river as a toilet

  7. Alias sick and blue they are living up to their name — it is really crazy in St. Lucia and to those who are purchasing stolen items from thieves and drug addicts — you are contributing to their ill gotten gains as well as their drug addiction and the blood will certainly be on your hands and you will suffer for it along with your descendants.

    Drug addiction kills and taking what does not rightfully belong to you is stealing and morally wrong – some of you need to research and learn instead of trying to get over by any means necessary – the accomplice is worst than the thief —swutweeuyez malvetayes — will certainly reap what they sow.

  8. Criminals with no face! After meeting bail, these same ones will be hired by innocent law abiding citizens and business people, only to be robbed again. Post their darn mugshots …maybe this will deter them!

  9. The farmers are putting cock say pa in the plantains and green fig because of thieves in La Ressource I even got a needle in a plantain people be careful from who you buy food from …


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