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Saint Lucia Appoints Special Prosecutor

The Government of Saint Lucia has announced the appointment of Mr. Robert Innocent as Special Prosecutor, a position an Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) news release on Monday described as ‘crucial.’

Innocent has nearly three decades of extensive judicial experience.

The release observed that he had served diligently in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Magistracy, and private practice.

“This appointment underscores the Government’s unwavering commitment to addressing cases of misconduct and combating various forms of corruption by persons holding public office,” the OPM stated.

According to the release, Innocent’s wealth of experience positions him as a dedicated and capable leader in pursuing justice.

It said his appointment marks a significant step forward in the Government’s ongoing efforts to uphold the principles of transparency, accountability, and integrity.

“The Government of Saint Lucia firmly believes that this appointment will strengthen the mechanisms in place to investigate and prosecute instances of corruption, sending a clear message that misconduct by public officials will not be tolerated,” the OPM said.

The Government expressed confidence in Mr. Innocent’s ability to contribute significantly to pursuing justice and upholding the rule of law in Saint Lucia.

Saint Lucia’s Special Prosecutor Act empowers an attorney-at-law appointed by the Judicial and Legal Services Commission to serve as Special Prosecutor.

The legislation also authorises the Office holder to receive complaints and investigate credible reports of corrupt conduct by incumbent public officials and public officials who have demitted office.



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  1. That’s a positive move by the government. I am hopeful that the Special Prosecutor will move with all haste, to bring to justice, those political magnates who use their privileged positions in government to demand a percentage of contract fees from contractors. People holding public office who make such demands for campaign funds from contractors should be brought to justice. Let’s stop the rut and let progress reign.

  2. Special Prosecutor is here – I hope his job is not to find manufacture wrong doings but to prosecute wrong doings. I suggest he start with some active Ministers from the following and then he can take other cases:
    1. West Indies Cricket board – secret account which was found to be created by a company registered in St. Lucia. Who was the Director of the West Indies Cricket board at the time ? Asking for a fried.

    2. The Range Rover deal which showed up on the shores of SLU with no Registered owner or any document to prove the purchase in London

    3. The GPH deal – If it looks like a rabbit and it hops like a rabbit then it should be called a rabbit. Please prosecute the rabbit.

    4. Sale of Land at Banans Bay – This transactions smells like a Rat. Please prosecute the smell in the transaction.

    Let me know once you are done with that that list and I will provide some more.

  3. There are not many things I support when it comes to this government, but this one I support 100%.
    I only hope it is for everyone.

  4. This is good news. Let’s start at the Integrity Commission. All Politically exposed persons are supposed to file their information annually and the law is broken if you do not file within the specified date. All persons on Government Boards, politicians and CEOs of Statutory agencies are expected to file. Non compliance is a breach of the law.

  5. Glad that this appointment has been made. I wait with baited breadth to see if this is any different from past post government investigation .

  6. You have money to do all bullshate pjp the people are dying in hunger no medicine at vieux fort health center god will deal with you mischief and hatred administration so fed up

  7. @ Mischief your list is one-sided. Guess you not as patriotic as your comment suggests. If you want justice let it be justice for all. Don’t be a poster person for colours of de party but the blue, white, black and gold. #make saint lucia the Helen of the West Indies again

  8. @Mischief u not easy! Don’t forget illegally appointing a man to some position in England so that he could avoid the laws there. He can be prosecuted for such mischief-making in his own country. The cases are ongoing and was before the courts long before he rush St Lucia into CCJ to escape justice. So let him continue his appeals it will reach the privy council. Next, secret account in Panama over the Jufalli deal. We all should welcome the news of the special prosecutor. Start to clean house SLP.

  9. Some of these comments are exhibiting signs of guilt. It is about time politicians pay for their wrong doings. When that happens, we will see a reduction in corruption in government. I suspect that there is evidence of wrong doing as was pronounced in the last election campaign. With this appointment, the prosecutions will now begin.

  10. Criminal justice system in shambles, people languishing in remand for years because their cases cannot be heard but y’all will pay over 20k a month income tax free to someone to engage in political witch hunts.

  11. Anonymous do your research before you misinform people. Not every member of a Board is required to file a disclosure with the Integrity Commission. Only the Chairman and CEO of a statutory Corporation are obligated to do so. Statutory Authorities which are not incorporated by law are exempt. Further not all PEPs are required to file returns and certainly not all public officials who are obligated to file are PEPS. By the way, are your tax returns up to date?

  12. It’s one thing to have a prosecutor It’s another thing for him or her to work by the Book let us all hope the prosecutor can’t be BRIBE….we all know some people like to be on the BOBOLIST

  13. Mr Prime Minister, I have often not held back when I thought you deserved a tongue lashing, cause I ain’t on any side of any political party, I am on the side of the people of Saint Lucia….but I must admit, this is one of the best moves you have made. I can’t find fault in this cause, as we know, corruption kills a country and leaves it’s institutions powerless and those who suffer from corruption are the people. So if the Special Prosecutor does his job well, this office should keep all those in office in check thereby protecting the people of Saint Lucia, including the hard earned money of taxed citizens stored in the treasury…I would go as far as to say, that the office of the special prosecutor should be enshrined in the Saint Lucian constitution so that future public office holders will have to leave by an exemplary code of conduct when dealing with the business of the people of Saint Lucia.. nothing kills a country like corruption, the least corruption in a country, the more prosperous and progressive the country and it’s people become…….hats off to you Mr Prime Minister.


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