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Teenager, Juvenile Among Individuals Arrested For Assault Rifle And Ammunition Possession

On Tuesday, November 28, 2023, the Drug Unit of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) executed a Warrant to Search for Property at Marie Therese Street, Gros- Islet.

During the execution of the search warrant, one (1) assault rifle, twenty (20) rounds of 5.56 calibre ammunition, and a quantity of cannabis were discovered and seized.

Following the operation, forty-nine (49) year-old Marvin Joseph of Marie Therese Street Gros-Islet, forty (40) year-old Alisa Dupal of Gros-Islet, nineteen (19) year-old Obediah Phillip and one female juvenile, also of the same address, were arrested for the offences of Possession of Firearm and Possession of Ammunition.

Marvin Joseph, Alisa Dupal, Obediah Phillip, and the female Juvenile were subsequently charged for Possession of Firearm and Possession of Ammunition. Marvin Joseph received a separate charge for Possession of Controlled Drug.

They were escorted before the Magistrate’s Court, where bail was granted with the following terms and conditions:

  • Marvin Joseph received bail in the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars (XCD35000.00) cash, land documents or suitable surety.
  • Obediah Phillip received bail in the sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars (XCD7500.00) cash, land documents or suitable surety.
  • Alisa Dupal received bail in the sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars (XCD7500.00) cash, land documents or suitable surety.
  • The female juvenile received bail in the sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars (XCD7500.00) cash, land documents or suitable surety.

The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force continues to work assiduously to disrupt the operations of all criminal elements.

The fight against crime demands cooperation between the public, and the police.

Therefore, we implore everyone to assist by providing valuable information, by utilising the Crime Hotline (555), or the RSLPF Crime Hotline Application.

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force

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  1. Well doneto both the police and the magistrates, but I want to know how soon this case come to trial.
    Which journalist is responsible to report outcome of cases in the courts?

  2. The Fines should be Higher too many Illegal Guns.and Ammunigion in the Hands of St.Lucia.The Court Shitstem is a Joke in St.Lucia

  3. Those two 30+ years adults have absolutely no business receiving bail. Found with an ASSAULT rifle and still afforded the opportunity to get out. Any security trained person would not have permitted such an act. The Caribbean islands are at a point of lawlessness
    principally to bad leadership. The culmination of years of sticking unskilled ministers into the security position has come home to roost. Even now, we still don’t have legislation that would deny a criminal bail for possessing an assault weapon. Generull Peep doesn’t grasp the nuances and principles of security. The guy is a joke…a clown. He seems knowing, to those who don’t know.

    What is the value of releasing a criminal, who will promptly rearm or cause instability upon release? One can’t solve serious problems in this manner. We have sank so low, as to heap accolades after 25 days without a murder. Such is the level of the standard. If it hasn’t registered that we are playing in crap, then there are some loose screws with the observer.

  4. To those who say these criminals would work if the government increased minimum wage and they can’t find jobs hahahaha – what part of they do not desire to work are you all not getting. They were able to post bail based on their illegal activity (your average hard honest working citizen probably don’t have that kind of money) – the fact is the CRIMINAL ELEMENTS in St. Lucia have already decided to work yes WORK in the ILLEGAL enterprise. You can bring a horse to the water – you can not make it drink. You can dress a pig in a nice and clean tuxedo – the pig will still find the mud.

    These criminals have to make up their own mind to change their wicked ways – some of them are already too deep in because of envy, jealousy and wanting to live the high and mighty life by any means necessary. Also some females would rather get caught up for a gucci pocket bookk and put them own family at risk just to be with the MALVETAYEES for money etc. – no pocket book or designer clothing is worth your life. Our choices have consequences and each will reap as he or she has sowed – par dee poor job – damban malvetayees bent on destruction. I feel sorry for all those who want to live right and do right in St. Lucia.

  5. They will be granted bail –so even though I will çongratulate the officers for their hard work, I condemn the system for its hypocrisy! Why is it that people found with illegal assault weapons and the many who are caugjt with illegal firearms simply go before a judge and simply go back home? Is this our latest strategy for fighting crime?

  6. The mother of all questions is, “can we afford to keep all those gun slinger incarcerated indefinitely or do we have the means to do so ? This cannot be admitted by our minister of national security, as it would jeopardize our national security. However, feel free to make a guess. Remember, most things are easier said than done !

  7. @ We Oin. Your question is addressed from a cost/benefit perspective. What are the costs in denying gunmen bail?
    a. The state is responsible for the upkeep and security of these people. I don’t know the cost per day. However, I can safely say that they are not consuming 5-star meals.
    b. Prisoners suffer from overcrowding.
    c. Greater possibilities of inmate rioting and misbehavior.
    d. Hardened criminals mentoring within prison walls.
    The benefits of denying bail to gunmen:
    a. Serves as a deterrent value that certain activities are unacceptable.
    b. Peace to eyewitnesses and citizens.
    c. Police work made easier because they don’t have to go looking for the same persons over and over again.
    d. The main industry is not threatened or tarnished. Trip cancellations due to crime is unknown.
    e. Reduced operating costs for medical expenses.
    f. Breaks the cycle of hardened criminals mentorship.
    g. Greater possibilities of reducing murder rate and crime overall.
    *All that being said, there is a 2.5% Health and Security tax, that should cushion much of the additional costs, if government ends bail for gunmen.

  8. Re Article/and Anonymous comments..
    Crime is here to stay and always be, Those people have A weapons to protect their selves to good and bad intentions, the laws can only go that far, the jail is over crowded, Why should We keep those individuals in JAIL?
    Asking for a friend?
    Anonymous, comments regarding opposing the minimum wage of $10+ per hour based on hours worked.. Could you imagine that person think’s soo low..?
    Folks! We must get rid of the slave wages system yesterday to solve our current problems in our island.
    Quote..” A Hungry Person will do anything for MONEY” if workers are a decent minimum living wage, and provide the workers with spending power, and that is A win win situation for all of us .
    I endorse my thoughts and observations on this Article..


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