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Agriculture Minister Aware Of Reports Of Egg Price Hike


The scramble for eggs at Christmastime is traditional.

Because cake making is an integral part of preparation for the season, eggs are always in high demand.

“Around this time I think ninety-five percent of people are into their cake making,” Agriculture Minister Alfred Prospere told reporters Monday on the margins of a Cabinet meeting.

Prospere said that there is usually an egg shortage due to the demand.

“I am hearing of a price increase but I am yet to confirm this. I am not sure. But what I know is that we are experiencing shortages, which is normal around this time of year,” the Minister stated.

He explained that the egg sub-sector was very important to Saint Lucia.

In addition, Prospere disclosed that Saint Lucia is self-sufficient in eggs, which he described as ‘wonderful’ for the livestock sector.

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  1. Which part of this report addresses the price increase?????. You’re heading about it and…….

  2. Best part is to know St.Lucia is self sufficient in egg production and the rest was not worth the print.

  3. You have not confirmed the recent price increase. WOW. Under which rock you are hiding. This is the third increase in 15 months Mr. Mean Easter.???Wake up and help consumers. A $1500. Cheque will go a long way.

  4. Since the COVID Lockdown I have brought any eggs. I brought six layers and I never look back how much is a dozen these days ?? Come up to Red Ville to the Panda Rosa show me your red badge of honor I will break you off a dozen or so as we are in the festive season. Mae honey boo you know Highgrade got your back send the courier.

  5. Why – WHY?? Is this minister so clueless?
    Not only about livestock – but EVERYTHING Agriculture?
    I miss Musa!!


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