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SLFS Issues Festive Season House Fire Alert


The Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) has alerted citizens to the prevalence of house fires during the festive season and has urged them to take precautions.

Assistant Divisional Officer Mabius Francis noted that although the holiday season is a time for celebration, it also brings an upsurge in house fires.

Francis disclosed that cooking is the primary cause, followed by using or misusing electricity.

To reduce the possibility of fires occurring while cooking, the SLFS official advised citizens not to leave pots unattended or in the care of young children.

“Keep the stove top clear of towels, mittens, or anything that could burn,” Francis stated.

In addition, he advised not using water on fires involving oils or fat and not attempting to pick up a pot on fire.

“Instead, shut off the burner and cover the pot with a lid,” the SLFS official said.

Regarding electricity, Francis spoke of the need to ensure safe installation and testing every four to five years.

He also urged citizens to avoid using extension cords or electrical adaptors and overloading the outlets, disclosing that there should only be one device per outlet unless the load could be verified.

“Avoid using electrical appliances and devices with defects. Some light bulbs are only for indoor use. Verify before outdoor use. Above all, have a plan for fire emergencies. Install smoke alarms at your home, Francis said.

“Remember to call the Fire Service immediately at the sign of a fire. Have a working fire extinguisher at the house and learn to use it and lastly, have at least two ways out of every room in your house. A door and a window can work,” he explained.

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