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UN Chief Urges Global Unity To Rebuild Trust, Restore Hope In 2024

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has called for global unity to make 2024 a year for “building trust and hope” following the immense suffering, violence, and climate chaos that characterized 2023.

“Humanity is strongest when we stand together. 2024 must be a year for rebuilding trust and restoring hope,” expressed Mr. Guterres in his New Year’s message.

“Let’s resolve to make 2024 a year of building trust and hope in all that we can accomplish together,” he urged, concluding with warm wishes for a happy and peaceful New Year.

Humanity in pain, planet in peril

In his message, the UN chief reflected on the pain and suffering afflicting humanity.

Conflicts persist, claiming tens of thousands of civilian lives, many of them women and children. Millions have been driven from their homes, facing hunger and disease.

At the same time, “the planet is peril”, Mr. Guterres said, marked by record-breaking temperatures and worsening impacts of climate change.

“2023 has been a year of enormous suffering, violence, and climate chaos […] 2023 is the hottest year on record; people are getting crushed by growing poverty and hunger; wars are growing in number and ferocity,” noted the Secretary-General.

‘We must come together’

Mr. Guterres highlights the scarcity of trust and emphasized that “pointing fingers and pointing guns lead nowhere.”

“Humanity is strongest when we stand together […] We must come together across divides for shared solutions – for climate action, for economic opportunity and a fairer global financial system that delivers for all,” said Mr. Guterres.

Addressing discrimination and hatred poisoning relations between countries and communities, he stressed the importance of ensuring that new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, serve as forces for good.

“The United Nations will keep rallying the world for peace, sustainable development and human rights,” affirmed the UN chief.

“Let’s resolve to make 2024 a year of building trust and hope in all that we can accomplish together.”


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  1. This pro forma excuse from Guterres is a reflection of the growing irrelevance of the UN with regard to the major issues in the world.

    The US has been rendered a paper tiger, and so, the only scam it has left is the climate hoax, which can only be successful if it retains its tenuous foothold in the Middle East, and chokes off the supply of oil & gas to the economies of the global south.

    In this recent interview of Professor Michael Hudson (transcript is also available), we get a clear picture of the future ahead for the world:

    Prof. Michael Hudson with Ania K, World Predictions for 2024

  2. Re Article,I wish him success in his thoughts and many of us, but, we can’t trust anyone anymore, live our lives without saying Lies to each other…
    Happy 2924 everyone..


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