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Vieux Fort Residents Upset Over Illegal Dumping Of Garbage


Residents of Vigier in Vieux Fort North are upset over individuals illegally dumping garbage in their community.

One resident observed that the community provides important access between the Vieux Fort Highway and other areas.

Al Prince, spokesman for the community’s Development Committee, said the dumping had occurred for some time.

Eventually, the Committee learned of the practice.

Prince told HTS Evening News that items, including books, indicated that the trash had come from as far away as Micoud.

“Going through the garbage, we’re seeing names that are not from the community, and they are from Micoud. We even get police uniform there,” he disclosed.

Prince asserted that there are designated garbage disposal sites and warned that residents in his community would report anyone they find dumping garbage illegally.

The Saint Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority (SLSWMA) told St. Lucia Times it was investigating the matter.

Headline photo: Screen grab from HTS Evening News report.




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  1. This is gross nastiness about St. Lucians, it is all over St. Lucia, when they done eating there food or drink their beverages, it is littered all over., streets, drainage, neighbor yard you name it.

  2. AA. With the same speed these people going all the way up there to dispose of their garbage, they could have taken them to the dump. I saw an ad where 2 women were cleaning the beach and asking Lucians not to be a malpwope. It seems that this behavior is becoming a concern. Lucians beware. Where nastiness breeds and thrives so will disease. Y’all calling back all the nasty infectious diseases that we got rid of years ago like Cholera and typhoid.
    When things start to get rough, maybe some of these nasty people will change their behavior. Remember y’all don’t have good hospitals and a good health care system eh. Tanto tanto.

  3. Smh that is very sad!! We should aim to make Saint Lucia cleaner. As one of the top travel destinations we should really have some pride and use the necessary resources to dispose of our garbage properly. It’s also very sad that we are given privileges to have a KFC and other food outlets in more accessible places and food, plastic bags, plates, and bottles are thrown out from vehicles along.the bexon highway. We already have an issue with flooding!!! If fact, most of the island!!! We really need to do better. What example are we forming for the generations to come.

  4. Its an attitude that Is as dirty as the trash being dumped. They will trash all around the garbage cans when provided, instead of dumping inside them. If ever corrected, the perpetrators usually may dismiss the accusations by saying this is what village/city council workers are paid to do. “So onto others as you would like done to you”. This kind of ignorance is rampant all over the country. There is no reasoning in their thought processes. Why do you think there is so much physical confrontations over the simplest matters? The problem is we the people. There are too many rats among the population!


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