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Central Statistics Office Responds To Public Data Needs


News out of the Central Statistics Office indicates that the preliminary report on the 2022 National Population and Housing Census is projected to be completed by June 2024.

The department is also in preparatory mode for the national agricultural and fisheries censuses while also embarking on two initiatives that will improve the data needs of the public.

More in this report from Glen Simon:

SOURCE: National Competitiveness and Productivity Council

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  1. I recalled sometime ago I mentioned about setting up a register specifically for the citizens from the working age. This is mandatory register, no if or buts. From this register you will be able to capture all the data required for this because you will go back to the database and see who is dead, who migrated etc etc. Citizens leave and go abroad but they cannot carry their selfishness, and dumb mentality they MUST follow suite to the country rules, regulation and policies. Full stop!


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