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Sister Recalls Threat Against Homicide Victim’s Life


Keturah, the sister of homicide victim Barry Augustin, recalled that he disclosed before his death that someone had threatened to kill him.

“Just before this happened, he brought his mother a breadfruit and told her she wouldn’t be seeing him again because someone owed him money, and that person told him they would take his life,” Keturah told reporters.

“He told his mother he was going to get his money no matter what happened,” the sister said.

According to a police release, on Sunday, February 4, 2024, at about 10:00 a.m., officers launched a probe into the discovery of Barry Augustin’s body at Morne Road, Castries.

The body had gunshot injuries.

The thirty-six-year-old Castries vendor was a La Toc resident.

“Barry was a very quiet individual. He was very helpful. He always stuck to himself and his friends were very few. I never knew my brother to always be in trouble so I could say that this is very surprising,” the deceased’s sister declared.

“I would not say that my brother was a saint. He was not in a gang. This could happen to anybody,” Keturah stated, adding that the deceased was very humble.

She said the community needs to come together against crime.

“It does not matter until it comes to your doorstep,” the sister told reporters.

In addition, she called for justice in the case of the fatal shooting of her brother.

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  1. Ok say no more all I have been saying alllllllllllllllll along these shootings are not robbery but vendettas SO IT IS VERY DIFFICULT O REALLY AND THE REST OF YOU DUMB CLOWNS FOR THE MINISTER OF NATIONAL SECURITY TO CONTROL. If the security forces had first hand knowledge that their would be a shooting at X you don’t think they would have been there ??? Oh course they would BUT THEY CANT BE IN PEOPLES HEADS FOOLS but does it make sense to simpletons oh no its PMS FAULT that easier to do. WHAT HAD SHE SAY SOMETHING TO THE POLICE BEFORE HAND ?? i rest my case

  2. I am calling on the incompetent minister to collect his last pay check this month feb. 2024 and to resign from the post. You are unfit for the portfolio PERIOD!

  3. Anonymous….get tested please…mentally that is.
    This situation sends one clear message…if someone threatens to kill you…you must get rid of them first!!!

  4. To me She Should have given the police In High Command of the Rslpf all that information .I do hope that the police work with all that Information arrest and Charge that Individuals who Committed That Crime

  5. You know “anonymous ” you are so silly. The Minister is supposed to resign because crimes are being committed?
    Can you suggest what he should do? The others said they would. What happened? In fact they themselves got into some questionable behavior….you remember the guy they almost fed to the pigs?
    These are not random acts of violence such as robberies etc

  6. So I supposed if someone threatened him, then he atleast should have told his family who it is or report the threat to police… perhaps its the same person who threatened him did the act…. our society is on the decline…

  7. Minister for Security Should Resign. Totally Unfit, Incompetent. Move… it will cost you re-election. Retards bark all you want. The travel advisory will come soon. You all think the US and Britts not looking. Yeah hold your fate blame the gun killers which both parties supporting. Make matters worst the Ocean Mouth con artist minister jump ship to save his soul. You all will bark all you can. He had all solutions put it now to work. Just Resign you daff. You ain hearing you’ll feel the pain. 10 more homicide for the month you gone on the watch/restriction advisory lits.

  8. There are demonaics in this troubled nation who will pay those cursed hit-men a cursed and measly “killer’s fee” to slaughter the innocent people to whom they are indebted! Too bad they don’t seem to believe that one day soon they will have to answer to God for their acts of cowardice and wickedness! Shame on them! And shamen on the heartles and shameless scooters who serve as contract killers in this nation! May God awiftly bring all of them to their judgment!

  9. Hey! Hey! Ehsay! God turn his back or her back on this plot of rock. Why you calling his/her name in vain.. just so!


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