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Police Officers Inspire Corinth Secondary Students

On Tuesday, February 6, 2024, a group of Police Officers, led by Assistant Commissioner of Police Dr. Mashama K. Sealy, paid a visit to Corinth Secondary School.
The purpose was to engage students in healthy discussions concerning challenges they faced and setting the foundations for healthy, prosperous, futures.
Discussions were held with over eighty students in the following areas: bullying, the importance of avoiding gangs and criminal activities, positivity, appropriate attitudes and critical thinking.
The officers shared their motivations for becoming law enforcement officials and recounted their experiences as students in various secondary schools on island. Notably, two of the officers were alumni of Corinth Secondary School.
During the session, students were inspired to consider how they could positively impact society and aspire to become future leaders of the country.
The students actively engaged in the dialogue, with some expressing pride in their roles as class leaders. They eagerly anticipated participating in additional school activities and were encouraged to set practical, attainable goals for their future.
Our society must prioritize the youth, recognizing that they represent the future generation of professionals in various fields.
We have the power to create a positive impact that steers young individuals away from the snares of the criminal justice system. Together we can!
SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force

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  1. Great initiative – it should continue and the students should also embrace this opportunity. Godspeed.

  2. I applaud this move and also the police personnel should also subjectively be alert about deliquesce in students and which easily be decoded to understand the environment they are being brought up in and also the out of school companionship.

  3. Together we can,hand in hand, with trustworthy and honesty !
    We can with the help of God inspired…


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