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Saint Lucia Police Arrest Prohibited Immigrants

The Immigration Department of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force has been unwavering in its commitment to maintaining the integrity of our nation’s borders.

Through joint operations and meticulous investigations, the department has been instrumental in the prosecution of individuals who have violated Saint Lucia’s immigration laws.

In recent cases, the following individuals were apprehended:

  • Thirty-eight-year-old (38) Felipe Souza Dos Santos a Brazilian national: He was deemed a Prohibited Immigrant and was charged for Disembarking at a Port Other Than an Authorized Port of Entry between January 1, 2024, and February 2, 2024. He was taken before the First District Court on Monday, February 5, 2024 for bail consideration. He pleaded guilty to the charge and was remanded to the Bordelais Correctional Facility. On Monday, February 12, 2024, the First District Court made an Order for Removal of the prohibited immigrant.
  • Forty-seven-year-old (47) Marcelo Sabino Intimo a Brazilian national, who was deemed a Prohibited Immigrant and was charged for Disembarking at a Port Other Than an Authorized Port of Entry between December 31, 2023, and February 2, 2024. He was taken before the First District Court on Monday, February 5, 2024 for bail consideration. He pleaded guilty to the charge and was remanded to the Bordelais Correctional Facility. On Monday, February 12, 2024, the First District Court made an Order for Removal of the prohibited immigrant.
  • Thirty-two-year-old (32) Yocaira Del Carmen Garcia Peralta is a Dominican Republic national, who was deemed a Prohibited Immigrant. On February 7, 2024, Ms. Garcia Peralta was repatriated to the Dominican Republic.
  • Forty-five-year-old (45) Brank Jofet Rodriguez Morales is a Colombian national, on Saturday, February 3, 2024, he was deemed a Prohibited Immigrant for Disembarking at a Port Other Than an Authorized Port of Entry and was removed from the state.

The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force remains committed to protecting our borders. Anyone with information regarding prohibited immigrants is asked to contact the nearest police station.

Alternatively, anonymous tips can be provided by dialing 555 (the Crime Hotline) or by utilizing the RSLPF Crime Hotline Application, which is available in Google Play Store.

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force



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  1. Dont take chances !
    Dont play with fire !
    Their reputations says all about them,
    Yet we cannot judge, all those who are entering backdoor are thieves..

    The thief comes to steal,reap and destroy !!

  2. what are their connections in st Lucia. did they come to make sure their goods are going through ? investigate that uh

  3. Use those captured guys for evidence. They might have good evidence on the bigger criminals among us. Cut deals with them to provide more information. Do not just lock them up and then deport them. As a matter of fact their arrest should never have been publicized. Get all the information and act on them secretly. There is always a bigger fish to catch among the small catch.

  4. I don’t think these folk just randomly made their way to St. Lucia – there must have been organization, connection or a series connections/assistance with Lucians on island. The police needs to find these individuals and charge them with aiding and abetting/harboring a fugitive.

    I don’t think these folk came to St. Lucia for the Sulphur Springs — hello ???????? Some of you folk would harbor and invite folk to cause mayhem in your own island – IDIOTS—- ?????? Let a Lucian try going to Brazil through back door and you will be HISTORY. Check out the statistics for Brazil if you want to obtain a better understanding of crime and homicides.

  5. Oh boy! This is the cartel. If y’all think things bad now just imagine when those roots start shooting.

  6. It’s a significant catch but I am still worried about their connections here. Some of these people could be hired guns here on a mission . Some of them may already be here .There is need for concern at a time when crime is running wild. Although all the above is speculation, it can also be very real. No one can be trusted in these times especially unknowns intruding on your space. We need qualified investigators here badly. Too many people are living in fear.0

  7. A port other hand prohibited, most of you are correct, there are established connection here… via some route and to do some illegal activities. Here on the island, it is notorious for human trafficking especially in the strip clubs. In the gentleman’s club, aka strip club most operate with foreigners, who come here to strip, now these strippers also service big ones in government and in law enforcement department. This catch is probably a business deal went wrong but mind you they will return and Maham will happen. This will not go down so easy trust me. Alot more is hidden behind this. These people can go back home obtain another document under different name and clean out who they have to. The catch is insignificant for now.

  8. The puzzle is no surprise; now it is evident where all the guns were coming from along with hard drugs for international visitors and local travelers for transportation to elswhere. Haiti is being highly watched right now, that’s why there’s revolution there right now again. These guys didn’t just arrive in St. Lucia, need I tell you of the history of why the the U.S. has banned certain members from entering the U.S. outside of official business. Things will only begin to unravel if you allow them to hush, but knowing the history of your Judiciary, good luck with that.

  9. St lucians seems to be the saints in the pack with those stupid and illiterate comments . Those persons must have a st lucian contact .

  10. Can someone please tell me how is a national of the Dominican Republic a prohibited immigrant? No Caribbean nationals should be deemed illegal in our region. The Caribbean is one nation, one region and one archipelago. I can understand the Colombian and Brazilians because they are from the continents of South America. But why should a Caribbean national be classified as an illegal alien? Dominican Republic nationals should be welcomed here in St Lucia.

    I know of a Dominican Republic woman called Sally who has lived in St Lucia for many years in Reunion Choiseul. She is now a naturalized St Lucian and is happy to live in St Lucia. There are many more living in the North. We should not be discriminating against our fellow Caribbean people.Caribbean migrants should be welcomed in St Lucia.

  11. We should not be discriminating against our fellow Caribbean people.Caribbean migrants should be welcomed in St Lucia. – YOU SEE THIS STATEMENT- that’s power but none will support it .. if they do we become a power house.

  12. @ Vernal Green ! Why are Haitians born in the Dominican Republic not considered citizens of the country and are even deported to Haiti where they don’t even know. Don’t forget Haiti is their twin neighbor and also part of the Caribbean. Try going to the Dominican Republic through illegal channels to see what happens.

  13. Get, I get your point and point taken but that is a matter for the government of the Dominican Republic. They are the ones who should be striving to include everyone who was born in the country to become citizens. Citizenship should be automatically conferred to anyone who was born and bred in the DR. It is not fair to strip a man and woman who was born and bred in a country of his right to be a part of that country through the citizenship process.

    Britain under the oppressive Margaret Thatcher, did the same thing back in 1981 through the British Nationality Act of that same year.Many Kids born in the UK to parents who had no right of abode in the UK were classified as ‘outsiders’ and therefore had their citizenship revoked by the brutal British state. Many went to court to challenge this archaic decision and draconian piece of legislation. Perhaps the Dominican Republis is following suit and copying Britain’s example.

    The Dominican republic is only doing this because of their hatred of Haiti. They do not want to be associated with the dark skinned peoples of their sister country. To them Hispaniola belongs to them and anyone who do not possess the same skin pigmentation and hue do not belong in their country. That is downright racist,disrespectful,impudent and impertinent. A lot of these Dominicans themselves have some form of black in them when you look at them. They are not pure Latinos like they are claiming to be. They love Haitian Voodoo which they call Santeria, yet they despise the darker people of their island of Hispaniola. It isn’t fair. Imagine eating eggs from the chicken that lays it but hating the chicken.Can you make sense out of such ambiguity?
    I believe in the oneness of our lovely Caribbean archipelago and I think it is about time CARICOM do something about bring us all under one umbrella. We should welcome each other from the islands and vice versa. A Caribbean islander should NOT be classified as a prohibited alien in the Caribbean. We are one Caribbean in our vast blue Caribbean sea.


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