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Dominican Republic President Says Haiti On Brink Of Civil War

Asserting that the deteriorating situation in Haiti has not attracted the speed and urgency it requires, Dominican Republic President Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona has warned that the country is on the edge of a civil war.

The Dominican Republic and Haiti are neighbours, sharing the Caribbean island of Hispaniola.

The Dominican Republic’s President expressed his concern about the Haiti crisis at the United Nations.

In remarks translated from Spanish into English, Abinader noted that criminal gangs control a large part of Haiti.

He also said paramilitary groups and politicians who present themselves as redeemers in a country longing for security and peace add to the destabilisation.

He recalled that Kenya President William Ruto had reiterated his country’s decision to lead a United Nations-approved security mission to Haiti.

Other countries have agreed to contribute troops.

However, a Nairobi court blocked the planned dispatch of 1,000 Kenyan police officers at the end of January, a setback the Kenyan government plans to contest.

Nevertheless, the Dominican Republic President asserted that money was one of the security mission’s main obstacles.

In this regard, he urged the international community to deliver on frequent promises of funding immediately.

Abinader said his country was providing Haiti with what that French-speaking country lacks.

But he declared that the time for promises was over.

“Either the money comes now or the collapse of Haiti will be irreversible,” Abinader warned.

In addition, he said Haiti’s collapse would be a threat to his country and the region.

“That is why I wish to caution the international community today that the Dominican Republic will fight with all its might to avoid being dragged into the same abyss as Haiti,” Abinader said.

“Our slogan from now on will be either we fight together to save Haiti, or we will fight alone to protect the Dominican Republic,” he explained.

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  1. Civil war is an understatement. I have been following a few citizen journalist on the ground in Haiti through their social media accounts and the situation is rough.

    Guy Phillipe’s arrival in the country has accelerated the instability. Guy Phillipe is an accused drug smuggler who served time in US Federal Prison for several crimes. He was also part of the coup d’etat that ousted Aristide. He had also organized death squads at some point before the Americans arrested him.

    After he completed his prison term the US deported him and now he has sights on Ariel Henry, the current leader. Even Bar-be-que the gang leader has aligned with Guy Phillipe, although its unclear whether the two men have ever met. Now the BSAP (an armed group usually located near the boarder with the DR) have also aligned with Guy Phillipe and called Ariel a rat who needs to resign. Yikes!!

    Ariel put on a military show with new equitment and recruits a few weeks ago but that may have made the situation even worse. Check out hatians like ‘Tele Nouvel’ on Facebook. Big up to the young men gettign the videos and interviews out there.

    One thing about the Haitian population right now which is very clear is that the problems are soooo great they are looking for a savior which means moving from one dictator to the other.

  2. You want to see the immediate intervention in Haiti just let alkida or any Islamic group set up shop in Haiti the intervention will be immediate. Once it’s black people killing black people the international community does not care. Look what’s happening in the Congo almost the same has what happening in Gaza…..the BBC is the only ones talking about it. This is worried that Haitians will get desperate and invade his country again like they did back in the day they were fierce fighters. The uranium in Haiti the US wants it France wants it but none of the profits must not go to the people of Haiti

  3. Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona together with the US and France are major contributors to the state of Haiti. Dominican Republic has committed all type of state sponsored genocide against the people of Haiti.

  4. Haiti was at one point richer than America during the 18th century to the point that France sold Louisiana (named after King Louis of France) to the Americans but kept Haiti… Haiti then became the Frist Black republic after the overthrowing of the slavers and declared themselves free…this becoming a republic… France went to economically strangulate Haiti for Haiti’s supposed audacity in freeing themselves from slavery….France then went to connive by imposing since the 18th century, a colonial tax debt on Haiti that would go on to cripple Haiti driving Haiti into poverty….that debt was only completely paid not too long ago..the same colonial tax debt that the African french colonies were slapped with …hence what happened in Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali……then there were the years of bad governance and coups in Haiti…..and here we are today…the nation that was a beacon of freedom from slavery and inspired other blacks to fight for their freedom, was made to suffer and become a laughing stock and shamed…why is it that countries that have a great number of persons of African descent have so much instability, poverty, underdevelopment, perform worst on all indexes compared to other countries? Ask yourself why? And why is it that money is the main issue that the security mission’s main obstacle…but billions were found to rebuild Germany after WW2…even though the Nazis started the war….even now, Ukraine is aided to the tune of billions to defend itself and the list can go on and on….yet Haiti is left to suffer….I guess it’s because it’s black… How is it that Africa, the richest continent in mineral wealth, has the worst poverty? If you know your history you will find the answers their…it’s too complex to mention here… again the world has shown how unjust it is while at the same time purporting to be fair…it’s one rule for some and another rule for others…


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