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Police Seek Information In Probing Two Homicides

Saint Lucia police have requested public assistance in providing information regarding the Island’s two latest homicides.

At about 6:30 pm on Saturday, Castries Criminal Investigations Department (CID) officers responded to a stabbing at Ciceron.

The victim, identified as 17-year-old Mc Kay Jessie Jaidy Flemius of Goodlands, Castries, succumbed at the Owen King European Union Hospital (OKEUH).

One male is in police in connection with the fatal stabbing.

Police have also launched an investigation into a fatal shooting at Barre Denis, Castries on Sunday.

The Castries CID received the shooting report at about 2:50 am.

According to the police, twenty-eight-year-old Yannick Charles of Barre Denis, Castries, succumbed to gunshot injuries at the OKEUH.

One male is in custody regarding that incident.

The police have requested anyone with information regarding the two homicides to contact the CID at 456-3770 or 456-3817.

Alternatively, individuals may provide anonymous tips by dialing 555 (the Crime Hotline) or using the RSLPF Crime Hotline Application, available in the Google Play Store.

PHOTO: Stock image

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  1. Our juste judge and Witness is in heaven,and is sure of making ⚖️ jugement and to give relief to the familles of the deceased.
    Do not overcome 😈evil for good !
    Be still !

  2. To the sick Lucian’s in St. Lucia who are circulating pics of victims who have been killed all over social
    Media …get a life. Also, please do yourself a favor and help the authorities to stop the crime instead of being photographers of such graphic images.

  3. People cannot provide information. Maybr they are afraid of the police passing information. Only in St. Lucia can a politician come on television and say he is receiving confidential information from the police. Sometimes a criminal politician might be affiliated with other gangs and so lives might be at stake.


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