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Pierre Attends CELAC Summit

Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre kept his word, he returned home early from the 46th Regular meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) on February 28th, 2024, to address urgent national matters, including citizen security.

Having effectively settled these matters, the Prime Minister will attend the Eighth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Community of Latin America and Caribbean States (CELAC) in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on Friday, March 1, 2024.

Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre will join leaders from CELAC countries in St. Vincent for a one-day meeting, where important discussions and collaborations are expected to take place.

The goal of the CELAC summit is to bring all of the Latin American and Caribbean nations together in order to enhance political discourse, promote social and cultural integration, and raise the standard of living for the people living in the region.

Topics for consideration on the agenda include healthcare, food security, climate change, peace, and citizen security.

During the CELAC summit, St Vincent and the Grenadines will transition the Pro Tempore Presidency to the incoming President, Honduras.

The Prime Minister’s delegation will include Minister for External Affairs, International Trade, and Civil Aviation Hon. Alva Baptiste, and staff from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Prime Minister Pierre will return to Saint Lucia on the same day, via Regional Security System (RSS).

Hon. Dr. Ernest Hilaire will act as Prime Minister, Minister for Finance, Economic Development and Youth Economy and Minister for Justice and National Security during the Prime Minister’s absence on Friday, March 1st, 2024.

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. You need to deal with the issues in your country that is going on right now. All these youngters in gangs being murdered senselessly. You all over the place travelling with tax payers money. God save our young generation. Give us parents the strength and guidance to raise them for you oh Lord and not for this world.

  2. Where’s Kenny? All of u all all over the place except where you all are supposed to be – IN ST. LUCIA!!! RIDICULOUS!!!Criminals running roughshod!!! 20 murders in two months but u attending Celac? Really bruh?? Tone-deaf leader!!! Asinine even

  3. This is great, the article states that our PM having effectively settled our national security issues went on to this meeting. We are all now safe.

  4. I thought Chas was amazona vesicular pip pa pa lying tongue you not bringing nothing and the people are silent god will deal with you all..lying to Lucian’s of levy pa pa ma tier


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