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Virginia Albert-Poyotte ‘Improving’ After ‘Medical Emergency’


Babonneau MP Dr. Virginia Albert Poyotte, who experienced what the office of Saint Lucia’s Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre described as a ‘medical emergency’ on February 19, is improving.

“She is at home. She is improving. But I can’t make any medical pronouncements,” Pierre told reporters on Monday.

He said he is not a doctor.

Nevertheless, the Prime Minister said he was happy Albert-Poyotte was improving.

Pierre explained that Micoud North MP Jeremiah Norbert will now be responsible for her ministerial portfolios ‘for the time being’.

Those portfolios are Public Service, Home Affairs, Labour and Gender Affairs.

On Monday, Norbert  took the oath as Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister with Responsibility for Crime Prevention and Persons With Disabilities.

The former police officer will work closely with Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre, who will continue to hold the National Security portfolio.

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  1. PjP strikes again….” ….I am not a doctor” …..same way he said he is not a police officer , let police to their policing!

  2. You not a Policeman not an engineer not a doctor all we want to hear you say something. Am not a prime minister that’s what saint Luciana need to hear from your mouth.

  3. Madam Poyotte, I am very happy to hear you are recovering. I wish you all the best and hope you have a 100 % recovery

  4. Bye election required. Babonneau is not a side show. Pierre is not a doctor, engineer and knows nothing despite following the sciences. He also believes that things are only our business if Richard allows him to tell us.

  5. I personally want to wish the minister a speedy recovery god bless and guidance
    I know the lady very well but she doesn’t knows me but I knew her father very well and her brothers know me and my family also was friendly to her first cousin and we still friends today although not involved but long story short she needs to interact with my people more and make herself available to meet with the people of the community after all it was the same people of the same community that put her there her father mr kentie had good name in the community so she needs to do the same as mr kenties daughter


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