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Vehicle Thieves Strike Again

Vehicle thieves have struck again, making off with a vehicle parked at Tapion, Castries.

The owner had parked the 2009 Toyota Belta, registration number 7474, outside his house and discovered it was missing in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

The vehicle did not have an alarm installed.

The owner believes whoever stole the Toyota had been monitoring community activities before striking, confident that there would be a demand for the vehicle parts once they were stripped.

An appeal has gone out for anyone with information regarding the theft to contact the nearest police station.


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  1. Ever since I was a little girl growing up in St. Lucia there has always been some hardened criminals whose career and resume is STEAL STEAL and STEAL ..dayban VOLAIRE SUH HONT ….

  2. Insure your accepts .. It’s cheaper than killing the thieves… commonsense thieves are always amongst us.. more yet to come..proct your hard earned money by insuring it..


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